Trading items and champions?

I'm pretty new on the forums so I don't know if this is taboo or not here so don't crucify me just yet pls.
Just before I start, I want to say that if you have your opinion on this subject feel free to say it.
Firstly I want to point out that I'm a experienced player, so I know what it's like sometimes when you don't get what you want. On to the subject: Being able to trade items and champs is something that can improve the in game experience just as it can ruin it.
For starters I searched on the forums for opinions and found out, that who disagree(trading CHAMPIONS), only do so because the trading can be abused (1star-4star) and such.
I think that if trading were to ever be added to the contest, there should be some limits:
•only trade same star champions that are on the same rank
•trade champions that have a close ip the difference should be no more than 250
•if the difference is more than 250, the lesser side should add an item to make up for it (random items should have random ip's depending on rarity )
Kinda like trading in quidd
And there should be a trade section where you can search for specific items/champions
And there should be filters (stars,rank,class,or the champions specifically) items (tier, class, level, ...)
Trading should be done globally or within the alliance or friends or all 3
I hope I presented my ideas well


  • TheMageHunterTheMageHunter Member Posts: 711 ★★
    New week new trading post

    But in all seriousness this is an RNG based you simply cannot just trade the things you want. Otherwise new guys with total trash champions can trade their trash ones with their high level friends for god tier ones dominating the whole beginner brackets and AWs. The people playing for the first time without any friends would have their progress hindered greatly against these old ones
  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 772 ★★★
    Or people will sell champs by farming new accounts... It happens in other games with trade features.
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    Abusing trading has nothing to do with the PI of the champions being traded. The problem the community has with trading is that it unnecessarily removes value from one of the biggest parts of the game which is collecting champions. The exploitation most of the community is worried about is people trading specific champions around an alliance or with friends like if one person has a 5* 4/55 starlord that starlord could be passed around an entire alliance being used by all members to complete LOL. If there is a really tricky power gain champ in a monthly quest a 5* psylocke or voodoo would be traded back and forth. Even if there was a limit to trading per month there comes the problem of people running 2 accounts gaining an unfair advantage, people selling champions to someone else, they don't allow selling accounts so why would they add a mechanic that would lead to people selling champions and there would still be possibilities of exploitation. No matter how well your idea may seem at its base the concept is flawed so I don't think anyone will really come up with a sell trade ideas that don't also come with a plethora of problems. At the end of the day trading champs will cause kabam to lose money and it isn't an important addition to the game so they will never add it.
  • Wrympire1980Wrympire1980 Member Posts: 9
    Sungj wow, agree it would be a bad situation
  • H3LLSHOW247H3LLSHOW247 Member Posts: 151
    edited September 2017
    I understand how this can be abused but nevertheless I think this is a great suggestion for change. It's alot like how I'd rather use in-game currency (units) to purchase specific champions of specific star rating instead of randomly getting what you may not want. The amount of units paid would vary on the star rating (2*, 3*,4*,5*).
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,475 ★★★★★
    Just grind arean. It the esaies Way to get What u wont this game also need alot og time. And this ides disagreed.
  • Wrympire1980Wrympire1980 Member Posts: 9
    How about if anybody logs out of their account all trades get ended?
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