Would a "Quarantine Crystal" be out of the question?
In light of all that's going on around the world, the good folks over at Kabam could do something cool for the community by offering up a Quarantine crystal package of some sort? Maybe something with decent rank up materials – sig stones, Alpha Cats, T5B or the % of T5C? I could see a decently tiered price point with various items including these resources! The proceeds could go towards some emergency relief fund or similar effort. Or, if they are really feeling generous, they could recognize that a lot of people have been impacted by the decrease in labor, resulting in the loss of income, etc., and show how much they appreciate the community by providing a free crystal, rank up gem, Alpha Catalyst, etc? And NOT the crystals with trashy drop rates either! Something cool that would really help us along within the current meta of the game. Like, no one wants to pull a 5-star Kamala Khan, Iron Patriot, Iron Man (original) etc. Maybe a 2019 -20 crystal? Just a thought, as I sit here and find myself opening the game a lot more since we have to stay inside and out of work so can't really spend as freely as before.
Would a "Quarantine Crystal" be out of the question? 27 votes
Would you like to see a 5-star Quarantine crystal deal?
4 votes
Would you like to see a 6-star Quarantine crystal deal?
2 votes
Do you think we should receive a Quarantine gift?
21 votes
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"The proceeds could go towards some emergency relief fund or similar effort. "
You're Welcome
Disasters happen on the regular. We don't need a virtual package to make a impact. Want to help? Buy real supplies and sew some masks, buy a 3D printer and help people make parts. Do something real and stop asking for something in return.
You want to make a impact, do something yourself. There's kids out there making tools for medical staff and sewing masks out of the goodness of their hearts and you want digital content due to the pandemic. Truly you can't actually think your idea is a good idea.
While OP does make a good point, it's not a very good way to go about it. Something like the energy calendar was simple, but smart, and helped those to have a small escape from times like these.
However, it just seems wrong to ask for such a thing. Better to just help others desperately in need by donating to a charity than buying a bundle with the donations as an afterthought.
So dense