Legend Run of September

Guys I finish heroic 100% 4.02
And master 5.30
Totally I give 9 hours 30 minutes to finish it.
Is all the legend runs like that??
It's exhausting
And master 5.30
Totally I give 9 hours 30 minutes to finish it.
Is all the legend runs like that??
It's exhausting
Legends can go sub 4 hours total for both heroic and master.
I'm assuming you are an android user, right?
I tried normal without boosts and i finished in 2hours. I was planning to do legends run but it looks like its premature for me. I think i had to finish normal within 1 hour in order to do heroic and master in 4 hours.
You have to have an iPhone. Droid won't work, apparently too slow. Need to get suicides, buy the attack boosts, and need a 5* high damage dealer.
Then forget it. Is impossible to do a legend run on android.
I did them all bro.
I’m assuming you’re not using suicides or boosts. You should be finishing off heroic in less than one combo & heroic. 1 combo to 3 tops by the end of master
Then go buy an iPhone and you will actually have a chance.
And what guys say about using 5* R4 Drax in this run?
I definitely found this quest to be longer than the last few quests maybe because of kingpin being twice on all the paths of the last chapter
Yeah and took more time for sure shrugging off all the Parrys unlike previous ones like doc oc Angela etc
You might get it but it usually stays under 4 hours 40 minutes
what do you think about this month's map?
is it much longer than august's map?
Hope it's enough.