[iOS] Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation



  • JniptuckJniptuck Member Posts: 6
    Same issue as others. Stuck on login page with the option to choose a side, then stuck on wireless connect symbol. Help. Haven’t been able to log on for 18 hours nearly.
  • Cmk_2Cmk_2 Member Posts: 2
    iPhone 11 Pro. Same issue for about 24 hours
  • НиколНикол Member Posts: 1
    iPhone X
    iOS 13.4
    Не могу зайти в игру. Предлагает выбрать сторону
  • STGU_AfantomenSTGU_Afantomen Member Posts: 8
    edited April 2020
    Afantomen , leader of 1.Rag RAGNAROK
    iOS 13.4
    Wifi and/or 4G
    Had 6 rewards regarding chose ur side, thought it was rewards from the quest so i just claimed it , then chose ur team come up again. Could not chose the same team as i did first time, needed to chose the other side. Then i claimed one more because i thought i could chose the original team that i chosed ... then the game bugged. Haven’t been abel to play for 40 hours now. This is getting abit frustraiting... ive spent so mutch time and even more money on this game. Whale lot of money.... this problem also made us not making map6 in our allie last round.

    Ofc ive tried reinstall/deleting the game, tried logg on diffrent iPhone nothing helps

  • Nimajne6Nimajne6 Member Posts: 0
    Is the game crashing for anyone else? I can barely make it through a fight without it crashing. Playing on an iPhone 7
  • choppman42choppman42 Member Posts: 38
    In-Game Name: Yaban Hito Lynx
    Device and Model: iPhone 7
    Device Operating System: 13.4
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 26.1
    Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Alliance War.
    Description of the Issue: When I am in a fight the game crashes on me. I lose half of my health. I try to fight again and give up a death.
  • AJQ123AJQ123 Member Posts: 1
    Name AJQ123
    iPhone XR
    Latest version

    It won’t let me block in story quest preventing me from getting to act 5 ch 2 and also won’t let me dexterity from enemy attacks I’ve tried re-starting my game but it has been like this for a few days now I even deleted the app and re got it and signed in but this is getting quite annoying.
  • GiomeGiome Member Posts: 170 ★★
    Ipad air 2
    Ios 13.3.1
    Since last update those annoying spikes appeared
  • SupremeWarlordSupremeWarlord Member Posts: 293
    Just updated my iPhone 7 to iOS 13.4.1 and now I have zero sound coming out of the game. I verified audio works with everything else, reset my phone, reinstalled the game, and let my son log into his account to check, same thing. Game worked flawlessly until iOS update. This is killing me right now. Any ideas?
  • SupremeWarlordSupremeWarlord Member Posts: 293
    Also, the game frequently shows a wireless connection problem and kicks me off when there is nothing wrong with my signal. Verified with other apps on this device and all other devices on my home network when the issue occurs.
  • CaptBirdseyeCaptBirdseye Member Posts: 102
    Lastest game update.
    iPad 6th Gen
    iOS 13.4 and same issue with iOS software version before.

    All started with Moleman update and still continues today.

    Lag, frame rate dropping, making game impossible to play with dexterity and parry.

    Unresponsive lag.

    Tried resetting modem and play at different times of day.

    Offering a way of reducing graphics in settings would help no doubt. The way it is at present makes it impossible to play any high level content.

  • AmonXAmonX Member Posts: 2
    In-Game Name: AmonRawr
    Device and Model: iPhone 11
    Device Operating System: iOS 13.3.1
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 26.1.0
    Game Mode: N/A
    Description of the Issue: I've been having this issue since yesterday. I'm not able to claim my rewards from my mailbox. There are 6 messages with rewards that will only reload the graphic when I click "claim". I've shut down and restarted the app. I've also deleted and reinstalled the app.
  • AmonXAmonX Member Posts: 2
    Update: still having the issue but I’m able to claim new rewards from new messages. Seems like there is a problem with messages from that batch a couple days ago.
  • Devman_81_Devman_81_ Member Posts: 4
    In-Game Name: Devman81
    Device and Model: iPhone 7
    Device Operating System: 13.4.1
    Game Version Installed: 26.1.0
    Game Mode: Arena and Alliance Quest and Event Quests
    Description of the Issue: Lagging when selecting champs in play mode lag during dash attacks and after parrys also several times have had attacks miss after parry then get countered before I can even get a chance to block but with champs who do not have that functionality.
  • WhrnskfbejamfWhrnskfbejamf Member Posts: 1
    LTE and WiFi

    I submitted a ticket via support page but have more details now. I lost two champs in AQ. The first time my attacker wasn’t following my commands (not dashing back, not blocking, dashing forward randomly). The second champ I lost stemmed from a result of the game crashing when I started the fight. The game opened with 50% of my health gone. Then, it was doing the same thing as before. A few moments ago I tried a fight in AW with the same issues. My attacker’s actions were so spastic, I couldn’t even control it. Then, I tried monthly EQ. I tried to charge Quakes heavy, and it wouldn’t. It just kept throwing heavy attacks rather than charging.

    I’ve closed the app several times. I’ve tried both WiFi and LTE. It’s frustrating because IF I get to finish AQ, I’ll have to burn through all my resources.
  • LordScatsburyLordScatsbury Member Posts: 183
    Halfway Through Labyrinth of Legends initial Clear and the Game became literally unplayable due to lag and stuttering.

    Device : iPhone 7+


    This video shows the lag during the Labyrinth Magik fight, lag of which cost me the fight.

    I’m not sure if it’s server or device based. Any Fixes would be Appreciated :)

  • LordScatsburyLordScatsbury Member Posts: 183
    Please note that all previous fights in Labyrinth were completely normal, and were all completed in one sitting leading up to Magik.
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  • LordScatsburyLordScatsbury Member Posts: 183
    @LucianoDelHoya Thanks for the comment bro, do you have any fixes?
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  • boo14kboo14k Member Posts: 9
    Fatal Frame
    iPhone XR

    Framerate during fight is unstable, game performance even worse than on android.
  • SEALteam6SEALteam6 Member Posts: 91
    My account is SEALteam6 and I was trying to complete realm of legends run for the first time. I had been saving up units for months to be able to do this. Realm of legends rewards was going to help me rank up 5 star colossus to rank 4. I started with 836 units and ended up with 16 units. I was fighting hulk and after many attempts beat him with my 5 star colossus and the network crashed. Before it could give me the rewards the network was down and I wanted for 20 minutes and nothing happened so i exited the app and restarted it. When I came back to the app my Realm of legends run progress was completely gone. I have no before pic because I have no reason to have one. I think this is a very big bug and I deserve some kind of compensation from it. Now I have 16 units and no rewards from realm of legends which would have helped me go uncollected. You guys need to figure out this bug.

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  • TungLeeTungLee Member Posts: 60
    Ingame name: TungLeeVN
    Phone 11pro
    Ios 13.1.1
    Patch 26.1.1
    Both wifi and 4G
    Every game mode

    Since the release of 26.1.1 I’ve had issue with dashing back, sometimes it is responsive (about 70%) sometimes it isn’t. I deleted the game and reinstalled, restarted the phone and everything but it still happens. I noticed many players reported the same problem. Please fix it Kabam, aw season is on and it’s really frustrating.
  • TungLeeTungLee Member Posts: 60
    edited April 2020
    I just found out this issue happens more ofter when I’m right next to the opponents, when far away it works better. Hope this info can help somewhat
  • MoorebadMoorebad Member Posts: 2
    Iphone xr 13.4 5g wifi all play blocks, strikes, specials all only work about 70% off the time. Champs dash backward or forward without prompt and when prompted still about 70% of the time does not work. Costing a lot of fights because of response issues. Restart reinstall nothing changes it. Help please!
  • SEALteam6SEALteam6 Member Posts: 91
    Device and Model: iPhone 7

    Device Operating System: iOS 13

    Cellular or WiFi: both

    Game Version Installed: 19.1

    Game Mode: 5.2.4 and realm of legends.

    Description of the Issue:
    At first this was not a big problem because the rol rewards are not that great so I don’t mind much what happened. But later today when I was finishing 5.2.4 the same bug hit and my connection crashed and I lost all my progress like in rol. This is a big problem that needs to be solved because it has taken me 20 attempts to get to 5.2.4 and once I finally made it the network crashed and I lost all my progress. I think compensation is appreciated but not necessary but I do think it is needed for my progress on 5.2.4 and realm of legends to be updated. I am so sorry for this bug. I really hope it gets fixed. this bug is very annoying and this has happened to some summoners and friends. I think it would be a good investment to look at the bug. Thank you.
  • Darkness82Darkness82 Member Posts: 275
    Device and model iPad Air 2
    Cellular or wi fi wi fi
    Game version 26.1.1
    Description of issue loading is taking for ever to load images in game
  • llArMoRll13llArMoRll13 Member Posts: 6
    IGN Armor13
    iOS iPhone X
    Cellular and WiFi
    Last game version and operating system

    I can’t login to game I get closed for maintenance check back shortly I deleted app and redownloaded still the same thing
  • LordScatsburyLordScatsbury Member Posts: 183
    @SEALteam6 luckily ROL isnt the hardest conent, you should be able to blitz through it with your stealth spidey no revives used. Just make sure you have a Scarlet and Wolverine counter
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