Incursions stuck [Merged Threads]



  • ImTrippImTripp Member Posts: 4
    Still no response from Kabam.... almost has been 24 hours....
  • MasterDuffMasterDuff Member Posts: 3
    How can you quit the incursion if i cant open the tab? Game just crashes. Been two days stuck now
  • rikhard28rikhard28 Member Posts: 22
    @Kabam Zibiit thank you for the repply ;D will post my case here i was doing incursion whit raddom player and when found the player got stuck at incursion main menu evrytime i click in continue the game just lose connection and dont allow finish the incursion and now i m now allowed to gain the 5* shards and incursions shards

  • rikhard28rikhard28 Member Posts: 22

    How can you quit the incursion if i cant open the tab? Game just crashes. Been two days stuck now

    You have to be working for Kabam to be able to open the tab and quit the incursion
    they need to do a limit time for one incursion be open like 6/8h max in case if they bugged u can still do after 8h refresh or 6 hours its an idiea
  • BruceLeeroyIIBruceLeeroyII Member Posts: 6
    It says the issue was fixed but hasn’t changed on my end, anyone else still having issues? When I try to enter it disconnects me and I have to log back in. I can play everything else just can’t get into incursions for almost a day now sadly.
  • Shînîgamî2543Shînîgamî2543 Member Posts: 2
    ive had this problem since 5:00 pm MT yesterday. I want my rewards so get them out of there.
  • rikhard28rikhard28 Member Posts: 22
    my incursions bug has been solved thks kabam, trust restored ;D
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    We've implemented another fix that should take care of this for anyone who was still experiencing it. We'll be keeping an eye on things and if it happens again, you can let us know here.
  • xKillxKill Member Posts: 6
    Everytime I click continue onto my ongoing incursions session, it gives me the connecting icon on the bottom until my game crashes. I've been stuck in this incursion for 13 hours.
  • KittytamerKittytamer Member Posts: 25

    We've implemented another fix that should take care of this for anyone who was still experiencing it. We'll be keeping an eye on things and if it happens again, you can let us know here.

    Still not fixed... see below. I enter incursions and it says I left incursion. And it keeps looking for a partner, I gave up after 2 mins. You guys keep saying it’s fixed and I keep losing teams (5th one now). It’s beyond frustrating!

    iPhone 7, latest operating system, downloaded the game patch this morning. China based user


  • KittytamerKittytamer Member Posts: 25

    30 mins later (look at the Aq timer), I am still stuck on same screen and now can’t leave this screen... apparently it found a partner and he/she got screwed over too
  • Andy_1900Andy_1900 Member Posts: 6
    The same
  • Mrspider568Mrspider568 Member Posts: 2,006 ★★★
    My teammate was complaining about the same issue that he wasnt able to continue
  • Quantum_97Quantum_97 Member Posts: 4

    I’ve been stuck in this game mode for more than 2 days. @Kabam do something about it.
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    For those who are still experiencing this issue, we've let the rest of the team know and passed on the information you've shared.
  • mydnightmydnight Member Posts: 671 ★★★
    It's still not working correctly. Without a VPN, I can't enter the first room or progress. I have to restart my device every time I finish a room.

    With VPN (eastern US IP), it works fine. My Chinese friends that play have the same problem. So, yet again, China area players are getting screwed bc of some regional issues.
  • DaddriedaDaddrieda Member Posts: 1,636 ★★★★
    The area that kicks me out from the game is Arena and incursion. Hope you guys can find a solution ^_^
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,013 ★★★★
    I’m still getting locked out have partner can select level but there was no button to confirm, screen said an incursion had started but couldn’t get into the map in any way, restarted twice the continue button was there in incursions section but would just do nothing when I hit it
  • Gabriel201Gabriel201 Member Posts: 20
    Ive encountered a bug in incursions that not letting me go into the game mode an making me have connection issues an can’t even get into it does anyone else have this trouble
  • Gabriel201Gabriel201 Member Posts: 20
    It stick right hee
  • MusikmenMusikmen Member Posts: 73
    Still not fixed, have submitted two tickets. Crashes game if trying to continue what appears to be an active incursion
  • SkubalonSkubalon Member Posts: 23
    Just echoing what has already been said - same issue: started incursion, got an error message, game restarted and now when I tap "Continue" the game freezes. Submitted a help ticket today.
  • SilverManSilverMan Member Posts: 2
    This problem has been starting since yesterday, I joined someone’s party in an Incursion and the game was taking for ever to load (like it always does) and I decided to swipe out the app since you still remain in the same room. But when I tried to go to incursions it gives me a “bad WiFi signal”
    in the right corner of my screen. Then it proceeds to tell me “Lost Connection, You have been disconnected. Please check your connection and try again.”
    So I decided to press “reconnect” but then it took me to another screen saying “Failed to Log In, problems connecting to network. Please check your connection”
    then I decided to press “reconnect” for the last time. The after that it took me to the home screen of the game, I’ve tried doing this multiple times and it still hasn’t been fixed. I really want this bug to be fixed.
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    We're aware that this issue has continued to popping up for some players and are working on more permanent resolutions for this issue to keep it from popping up. In the meantime, we're also going to be running some short-term fixes that will clear things up for players when this issue occurs.
  • Iago7373Iago7373 Member Posts: 5
    edited April 2020
    hello, i have a problem in the Marvel contest of champions game, the "continue" option of the incursion is not working. please fix this. Since yesterday i'm trying to get in and it's not working
  • Iago7373Iago7373 Member Posts: 5
    since yesterday i'm trying to get in and it's not working
  • MusikmenMusikmen Member Posts: 73
    Thank you all, was released from a freeze this afternoon
  • Prajval849Prajval849 Member Posts: 16
    There is another problem i faced twice during incursion. Some times if i tap towards right automatically turns to left. I had so much difficulty because of this bug and had to quit incursion on a higher room
  • KittytamerKittytamer Member Posts: 25
    Either make it work for all or nobody at all. Those who are affected by this are nearly a week behind. This isn’t creating a level playing field for all.
  • Azzzm0Azzzm0 Member Posts: 13
    Still happening. I'm stuck. Cannot get in or leave incursion.
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