3 accounts looking for AQ 5x5 and optional war

Have 3 experienced players with strong accounts looking for alliance that uses Line and runs map 5x5 with at least 2 BGs, but war optional. Must be clearing map 5 every run. Thanks.


  • LoserInTinFoilLoserInTinFoil Member Posts: 21
    What do the accounts look like? Can hit me up on line - id: LoserInTinFoil
  • CompEngEvFanCompEngEvFan Member Posts: 27
    I'm leader in an alliance that does 555 on day 1 and 554 the rest of the week and we run 2bg AW during the season and 1bg during off season. Hit me on Line if you are interested. Id: CompEngEvFan
  • BagherBagher Member Posts: 85
    We are chilled and laid back, but also want to play to win!
    AW gold2 pushing for 1. AQ about 250M both map 5 and 6 BG options
    Join the interview room here if interested: http://line.me/ti/g/QGx8hzTvDt
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