Level 30 . WHICH MASTERIES ???!!!!

Okay people . Been playing the game for a while now , and I am at the stage where I feel like everything is just out of reach . Every month , I do the event quests on heroic , unlock a good few 4 stars and hunt for 5 star shards . I have a good 4 star team , yet I don't feel like I can take on the next act . I practice on arena every day and I feel that it may take me a while to actually progress much further . And one of the things holding me back is - you guessed it - masteries ! As a bad player earlier on , I just chucked all of my mastery points at vitality and stuff like that . I do , however , have the two essentials ( parry and dexterity ) and am willing to remove other masteries for more points if that's what it takes .
Offense(13) -
strength 1 , greater strength 3 , courage 1 , longer fury mastered ( 4 ) , better fury mastered ( 4 )
Vitality 2 , greater vitality 8
Proficiencies(3) -
Parry 1 , limber 1 , dexterity 1
And take ALL excess points out of the opening pairs of Strength(+greater) and Vitality(+greater).
Invest in Cruelty (Crit Damage) and Precision (Crit Rate). Whether in the basic versions until you have units to unlock the Greater versions, then move all but 1 from lesser's into maximizing (or at least 4/5) the Greater versions. That will be the biggest thing you can do.
And Agree with adding max Stupify.