Champion boss 6.2.6



  • AzKicker316AzKicker316 Member Posts: 2,514 ★★★★★
    High and mighty, not at all. I beat champion once with capiw, took so many units its ridiculous. I dueled countless times and still want great at dexing his specials. Put in the work that was intended for this fight. I'm tired of the whining about claire and ms actually getting fixed. Just because you didn't get to take advantage is not kabams problem.
  • AzKicker316AzKicker316 Member Posts: 2,514 ★★★★★

    High and mighty, not at all. I beat champion once with capiw, took so many units its ridiculous. I dueled countless times and still want great at dexing his specials. Put in the work that was intended for this fight. I'm tired of the whining about claire and ms actually getting fixed. Just because you didn't get to take advantage is not kabams problem.

    I disagree. It is Kabam's problem because these are bugs that should have been caught before the champions got released or soon after. Claire has been out since, what, last August or July? Morningstar has been out for years. It's not like this is the first time that these bugs have been talked about. The fault for this lies with Kabam for not properly testing their champions before they release them. This is just like how it was with She-Hulk, a lot of people specifically took up Morningstar and Claire to deal with the Champion boss, not knowing that they were not working as intended. Now they're getting fixed and those players are stuck with champs who no longer function how they were expecting them to when they invested resources into them. The difference is, at least when they fixed She-Hulk, they gave rank-down tickets and compensation. Now, Claire and Morningstar are both fantastic champions to begin with, so even though they are no longer as good for the Champion fight, they still are incredibly useful (I have my Claire at r5 and use her a lot whenever she isn't in AW Defense), but the players who took them up because they were expecting to work as they were in the past against the Champion should have the option to rank them down. Kabam needs to test their champions more so things like this don't happen

    How long you've playing? Kabam is far from perfect and when it comes to software, bugs are everywhere.
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★

    High and mighty, not at all. I beat champion once with capiw, took so many units its ridiculous. I dueled countless times and still want great at dexing his specials. Put in the work that was intended for this fight. I'm tired of the whining about claire and ms actually getting fixed. Just because you didn't get to take advantage is not kabams problem.

    I disagree. It is Kabam's problem because these are bugs that should have been caught before the champions got released or soon after. Claire has been out since, what, last August or July? Morningstar has been out for years. It's not like this is the first time that these bugs have been talked about. The fault for this lies with Kabam for not properly testing their champions before they release them. This is just like how it was with She-Hulk, a lot of people specifically took up Morningstar and Claire to deal with the Champion boss, not knowing that they were not working as intended. Now they're getting fixed and those players are stuck with champs who no longer function how they were expecting them to when they invested resources into them. The difference is, at least when they fixed She-Hulk, they gave rank-down tickets and compensation. Now, Claire and Morningstar are both fantastic champions to begin with, so even though they are no longer as good for the Champion fight, they still are incredibly useful (I have my Claire at r5 and use her a lot whenever she isn't in AW Defense), but the players who took them up because they were expecting to work as they were in the past against the Champion should have the option to rank them down. Kabam needs to test their champions more so things like this don't happen

    How long you've playing? Kabam is far from perfect and when it comes to software, bugs are everywhere.
    I first started playing when the game launched, but took a break for two years and have been playing consistently since then with my current account. I do not think Kabam is perfect by any means, though they certainly are better than a lot of their competitors by a large margin, that does not mean that players should not be compensated for significant bugs. I'm not saying we should be compensated for bugs like the current one with Mister Fantastic, but when it's a bug that has been in the game for a long time and has been known for a long time and it is one that positively affects the champion, then yes, we should be compensated for it. As far as I am aware, Claire has been able to heal when not damaging since her release and I believe it is the same with Morningstar, though, like I said, I do not have her so I can't be certain. Most players would be unaware that this is a bug since most players don't exactly dive deep into a champion's abilities and nuances. Compensation, in this case, allows for two major things: 1. It holds Kabam responsible for not testing their champions fully and incentivizes them to test more in the future and 2. It allows players who ranked up Claire and Morningstar for that specific fight to get their rare resources back.
  • _matto__matto_ Member Posts: 58

    They're available daily, 5 each day I think

    Yeah I know just wish I could do it more in one day
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,257 ★★★★★

    High and mighty, not at all. I beat champion once with capiw, took so many units its ridiculous. I dueled countless times and still want great at dexing his specials. Put in the work that was intended for this fight. I'm tired of the whining about claire and ms actually getting fixed. Just because you didn't get to take advantage is not kabams problem.

    Are you going to compensate all the people that don't know this change happened and will watch Youtube videos of BWCV and Morningstar taking down the champion to find out they no longer can regen like the video's their watching? Didn't think so.
  • Huskers327Huskers327 Member Posts: 105
    The thread I tried to start got deleted, so I guess I’ll post it here:

    I recently ranked my Morningstar to 5/65 with the main purpose of the rank up being to help with the 6.2 champion boss, especially the No Retreat path. Numerous videos have shown that she was able to regen enough to outpace the damage with the Champion in his 10% phase with her life steal gained with 5 souls. This mechanic has been known for some time now, and has only just recently been identified as a bug. This is extremely similar to the situation that occurred when She-Hulk’s heavy attack timing was changed so she was no longer able to chain heavies from basic combos. So will there be similar compensation offered for those of us who used resources to rank Morningstar as the compensation for the She-Hulk change?
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  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★

    The thread I tried to start got deleted, so I guess I’ll post it here:

    I recently ranked my Morningstar to 5/65 with the main purpose of the rank up being to help with the 6.2 champion boss, especially the No Retreat path. Numerous videos have shown that she was able to regen enough to outpace the damage with the Champion in his 10% phase with her life steal gained with 5 souls. This mechanic has been known for some time now, and has only just recently been identified as a bug. This is extremely similar to the situation that occurred when She-Hulk’s heavy attack timing was changed so she was no longer able to chain heavies from basic combos. So will there be similar compensation offered for those of us who used resources to rank Morningstar as the compensation for the She-Hulk change?

    Will there be? Most likely not. Should there be? I think so.
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    Okaythen said:

    Wait, what's this going on with Morningstar and the last 10% of the boss? I don't have her so I'm not sure what the bug is

    She life steals a % of damage done. She was incorrectly regening when champion was under 10%. That is clearly a bug based on her description. They fuzzed 3it and people are mad because they can't take advantage of the bug anymore
    That sucks. That just makes the fight just that much harder and means that everyone who already used Morningstar for it had a way easier time than those who haven't yet. Totally understandable why people are mad.

    Folks just have to go back to learn how to actually fight him.
    You fought him once and probably not even no retreat
    Her regen was the only reason I was able to 100% it especially on no retreat
    No Retreat should never have been a node on that fight. I got through it by having Mister Fantastic and Dr. Doom
  • Huskers327Huskers327 Member Posts: 105

    The thread I tried to start got deleted, so I guess I’ll post it here:

    I recently ranked my Morningstar to 5/65 with the main purpose of the rank up being to help with the 6.2 champion boss, especially the No Retreat path. Numerous videos have shown that she was able to regen enough to outpace the damage with the Champion in his 10% phase with her life steal gained with 5 souls. This mechanic has been known for some time now, and has only just recently been identified as a bug. This is extremely similar to the situation that occurred when She-Hulk’s heavy attack timing was changed so she was no longer able to chain heavies from basic combos. So will there be similar compensation offered for those of us who used resources to rank Morningstar as the compensation for the She-Hulk change?

    Lol, you don't know what similar means
    In what way are those situations not similar? In both cases there was an interaction which was allowed to remain in the game for an extended period of time, with numerous videos being made about it, with no indication from Kabam that it was not intended. Now Kabam is suddenly saying that it’s not intended after many people have already used resources ranking a champ either partially or entirely for that mechanic.

    Seems pretty similar to me.
  • OkaythenOkaythen Member Posts: 590 ★★★

    The thread I tried to start got deleted, so I guess I’ll post it here:

    I recently ranked my Morningstar to 5/65 with the main purpose of the rank up being to help with the 6.2 champion boss, especially the No Retreat path. Numerous videos have shown that she was able to regen enough to outpace the damage with the Champion in his 10% phase with her life steal gained with 5 souls. This mechanic has been known for some time now, and has only just recently been identified as a bug. This is extremely similar to the situation that occurred when She-Hulk’s heavy attack timing was changed so she was no longer able to chain heavies from basic combos. So will there be similar compensation offered for those of us who used resources to rank Morningstar as the compensation for the She-Hulk change?

    Lol, you don't know what similar means
    In what way are those situations not similar? In both cases there was an interaction which was allowed to remain in the game for an extended period of time, with numerous videos being made about it, with no indication from Kabam that it was not intended. Now Kabam is suddenly saying that it’s not intended after many people have already used resources ranking a champ either partially or entirely for that mechanic.

    Seems pretty similar to me.
    Honestly even I think you’re over reacting
    This is in no way similar
    She hulk was affected in all match ups and her heavy chain was a reason to rank her up since it provided lots of utility such as heavy spam and guaranteed slow
    This is one very specific fight under very specific circumstances
    Not similar at all
  • doctorbdoctorb Member Posts: 1,939 ★★★★
    Okaythen said:

    Please kabam, at 10% champion boss, change from 5 indestructibles to only 2 or 3. It is ridiculously tough to end up accomplishing making it after the 5 indestructibles. On the next update I request to change the buff around.

    I request that you get better problem solved
    Or use the right champs
    I request that u stop being so mean
  • ThebgjThebgj Member Posts: 635 ★★
    I’ve completed that quest too, but I still wouldn’t mind if they changed it for the rest of the community. Get rid of that stupid node all together.

  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,257 ★★★★★
    Okaythen said:

    The thread I tried to start got deleted, so I guess I’ll post it here:

    I recently ranked my Morningstar to 5/65 with the main purpose of the rank up being to help with the 6.2 champion boss, especially the No Retreat path. Numerous videos have shown that she was able to regen enough to outpace the damage with the Champion in his 10% phase with her life steal gained with 5 souls. This mechanic has been known for some time now, and has only just recently been identified as a bug. This is extremely similar to the situation that occurred when She-Hulk’s heavy attack timing was changed so she was no longer able to chain heavies from basic combos. So will there be similar compensation offered for those of us who used resources to rank Morningstar as the compensation for the She-Hulk change?

    Lol, you don't know what similar means
    In what way are those situations not similar? In both cases there was an interaction which was allowed to remain in the game for an extended period of time, with numerous videos being made about it, with no indication from Kabam that it was not intended. Now Kabam is suddenly saying that it’s not intended after many people have already used resources ranking a champ either partially or entirely for that mechanic.

    Seems pretty similar to me.
    Honestly even I think you’re over reacting
    This is in no way similar
    She hulk was affected in all match ups and her heavy chain was a reason to rank her up since it provided lots of utility such as heavy spam and guaranteed slow
    This is one very specific fight under very specific circumstances
    Not similar at all
    The Shehulk sitution was worse because it wasn't a bug and they took the option away from her because you could cheese her heavy which she had been intended to do up until the Champion boss.

    But this is very similar because it will havet he same effect on players. Outside of this fight who wants to really play with Morningstar? BWCV is just a good champion period and I have her at r5 and wouldn't rank her down anyway but Mornign star I knew people in my alliance that ranked her up specifically for the Champion no retreat node fight.
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  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,257 ★★★★★

    Okaythen said:

    The thread I tried to start got deleted, so I guess I’ll post it here:

    I recently ranked my Morningstar to 5/65 with the main purpose of the rank up being to help with the 6.2 champion boss, especially the No Retreat path. Numerous videos have shown that she was able to regen enough to outpace the damage with the Champion in his 10% phase with her life steal gained with 5 souls. This mechanic has been known for some time now, and has only just recently been identified as a bug. This is extremely similar to the situation that occurred when She-Hulk’s heavy attack timing was changed so she was no longer able to chain heavies from basic combos. So will there be similar compensation offered for those of us who used resources to rank Morningstar as the compensation for the She-Hulk change?

    Lol, you don't know what similar means
    In what way are those situations not similar? In both cases there was an interaction which was allowed to remain in the game for an extended period of time, with numerous videos being made about it, with no indication from Kabam that it was not intended. Now Kabam is suddenly saying that it’s not intended after many people have already used resources ranking a champ either partially or entirely for that mechanic.

    Seems pretty similar to me.
    Honestly even I think you’re over reacting
    This is in no way similar
    She hulk was affected in all match ups and her heavy chain was a reason to rank her up since it provided lots of utility such as heavy spam and guaranteed slow
    This is one very specific fight under very specific circumstances
    Not similar at all
    The Shehulk sitution was worse because it wasn't a bug and they took the option away from her because you could cheese her heavy which she had been intended to do up until the Champion boss.

    But this is very similar because it will havet he same effect on players. Outside of this fight who wants to really play with Morningstar? BWCV is just a good champion period and I have her at r5 and wouldn't rank her down anyway but Mornign star I knew people in my alliance that ranked her up specifically for the Champion no retreat node fight.
    Just becouse you don't like Morningstar (I don't like her either), doesn't mean that nobody else likes her
    I love how you ignored the people that I said specifically ranked MS for this fight. I hope you're really proud of yourself for bringing this to Kabam's attention.
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  • AzKicker316AzKicker316 Member Posts: 2,514 ★★★★★
    Okaythen said:

    Wait, what's this going on with Morningstar and the last 10% of the boss? I don't have her so I'm not sure what the bug is

    She life steals a % of damage done. She was incorrectly regening when champion was under 10%. That is clearly a bug based on her description. They fuzzed 3it and people are mad because they can't take advantage of the bug anymore
    That sucks. That just makes the fight just that much harder and means that everyone who already used Morningstar for it had a way easier time than those who haven't yet. Totally understandable why people are mad.

    Folks just have to go back to learn how to actually fight him.
    You fought him once and probably not even no retreat
    Her regen was the only reason I was able to 100% it especially on no retreat
    And I'm not complaining that I can't cheat the champion like you and the others who took advantage of the bugs.

    Who cares how long it took, it was a bug and now it's fixed, move on!
  • AzKicker316AzKicker316 Member Posts: 2,514 ★★★★★

    Okaythen said:

    Wait, what's this going on with Morningstar and the last 10% of the boss? I don't have her so I'm not sure what the bug is

    She life steals a % of damage done. She was incorrectly regening when champion was under 10%. That is clearly a bug based on her description. They fuzzed 3it and people are mad because they can't take advantage of the bug anymore
    That sucks. That just makes the fight just that much harder and means that everyone who already used Morningstar for it had a way easier time than those who haven't yet. Totally understandable why people are mad.

    Folks just have to go back to learn how to actually fight him.
    You fought him once and probably not even no retreat
    Her regen was the only reason I was able to 100% it especially on no retreat
    No Retreat should never have been a node on that fight. I got through it by having Mister Fantastic and Dr. Doom
    That's the easiest way to beat him now and there are no bugs because the cross fight ability is clearly stated, like regen on DAMAGE!
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,257 ★★★★★

    Okaythen said:

    Wait, what's this going on with Morningstar and the last 10% of the boss? I don't have her so I'm not sure what the bug is

    She life steals a % of damage done. She was incorrectly regening when champion was under 10%. That is clearly a bug based on her description. They fuzzed 3it and people are mad because they can't take advantage of the bug anymore
    That sucks. That just makes the fight just that much harder and means that everyone who already used Morningstar for it had a way easier time than those who haven't yet. Totally understandable why people are mad.

    Folks just have to go back to learn how to actually fight him.
    You fought him once and probably not even no retreat
    Her regen was the only reason I was able to 100% it especially on no retreat
    And I'm not complaining that I can't cheat the champion like you and the others who took advantage of the bugs.

    Who cares how long it took, it was a bug and now it's fixed, move on!
    I already fully explored the Champion so what's your point? Why don't you move on from this thread? Exactly, you don't like being told what to do. So don't do it to other people.
  • JakearoundJakearound Member Posts: 434 ★★★
    I think a better way they could have done the 5 charges at the end is not making it start over every time you die. It should just be 5 charges no matter how many times you die. Then you could eventually work him down but I’m not gonna hold my breathe for that
  • OkaythenOkaythen Member Posts: 590 ★★★
    Great all this champion talk made me get him out of my 5* crystal
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    RonD9 said:

    Sorry pal! He’s hear to stay! Keeps the boys and men separated! Lol. How fair would it be to change him after all these other people already went through him?? Not fair.

    I say keep the Champion the same but just give him one indestructible charge. 3 tops and that would be more reasonable of a fight. Just my opinion but probably won't happen.
    You've been singing this song since release and it's no less ridiculous than it was day one. There are more counters than ever today. Everyone complains that whales get to progress farther by throwing money at stuff and the skilled players never benefit, well this fight is all about skill and being able to manage timing and spacing correctly. It's basically what everyone asked for.
  • RogerRabsRogerRabs Member Posts: 548 ★★★★

    RonD9 said:

    Sorry pal! He’s hear to stay! Keeps the boys and men separated! Lol. How fair would it be to change him after all these other people already went through him?? Not fair.

    I say keep the Champion the same but just give him one indestructible charge. 3 tops and that would be more reasonable of a fight. Just my opinion but probably won't happen.
    You've been singing this song since release and it's no less ridiculous than it was day one. There are more counters than ever today. Everyone complains that whales get to progress farther by throwing money at stuff and the skilled players never benefit, well this fight is all about skill and being able to manage timing and spacing correctly. It's basically what everyone asked for.
    The Grandmaster fight rewards skill and practice, the Champion needs specific counters. Also an extremely punishing fight that must be repeated 6-8 times with difficult nodes.

    I’ve done it 100% so I could care less, but 6.2 was the worst experience I’ve had in the 3 years I’ve been playing.
  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,106 ★★★★★
    He's a hell of a lot easier then rogue with flow, let me tell you
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    RogerRabs said:

    RonD9 said:

    Sorry pal! He’s hear to stay! Keeps the boys and men separated! Lol. How fair would it be to change him after all these other people already went through him?? Not fair.

    I say keep the Champion the same but just give him one indestructible charge. 3 tops and that would be more reasonable of a fight. Just my opinion but probably won't happen.
    You've been singing this song since release and it's no less ridiculous than it was day one. There are more counters than ever today. Everyone complains that whales get to progress farther by throwing money at stuff and the skilled players never benefit, well this fight is all about skill and being able to manage timing and spacing correctly. It's basically what everyone asked for.
    The Grandmaster fight rewards skill and practice, the Champion needs specific counters. Also an extremely punishing fight that must be repeated 6-8 times with difficult nodes.

    I’ve done it 100% so I could care less, but 6.2 was the worst experience I’ve had in the 3 years I’ve been playing.
    While you're certainly correct that the grandmaster fight is basically 100% skill based and really doesn't require specific counters at all, 6.2.6 champion while needing certain types of counters for it, it's nowhere near as limited as say the 6.2.2 sinister fight. For the most part, and especially the last 10% which is the primary complaint, it's far more about ability than champion selection. You can't constantly say you want skill rewarded and not just something to unit spam and then get mad when you get it
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