Alliance War Matchmaking unfair [Merged Threads]



  • Neffa45Neffa45 Member Posts: 22
    Dsc0721 said:

    If you weigh war rating or prestige to high or to low. The system benefits one group or the other. Many seem to think that prestige is no longer a factor I think it’s just not the higher weighted factor and after a period of settling out these wild mismatches will be no more, if an alliance is good enough they can move up as high as there prestige will allow.

    You should only "weigh" war rating period end of story. This is how well you perform on both attack and defense based on YOUR ACTUAL ROSTER. If you push up based on skill your account will eventually limit you and you're rewarded on said true mechanic. Imagine Major league baseball or basketball or hockey never getting the opportunity to play others actually in their bracket and then these low dogs pass them up because they never face opponentsas hard as they always do.
  • Dsc0721Dsc0721 Member Posts: 83
    @Charnutz not cool man I’m arguing with him just trying to be cool about it
  • Dsc0721Dsc0721 Member Posts: 83
    a brand new alliance with zero war rating but 10k prestige doesn’t need to be matched with another new alliance with 0 war rating and 5k prestige, prestige has to be a factor
  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 772 ★★★
    Neffa45 said:

    Dsc0721 said:

    If you weigh war rating or prestige to high or to low. The system benefits one group or the other. Many seem to think that prestige is no longer a factor I think it’s just not the higher weighted factor and after a period of settling out these wild mismatches will be no more, if an alliance is good enough they can move up as high as there prestige will allow.

    You should only "weigh" war rating period end of story. This is how well you perform on both attack and defense based on YOUR ACTUAL ROSTER. If you push up based on skill your account will eventually limit you and you're rewarded on said true mechanic. Imagine Major league baseball or basketball or hockey never getting the opportunity to play others actually in their bracket and then these low dogs pass them up because they never face opponentsas hard as they always do.
    Exactly... Divison II NCAA undefeated team going to a Nation Champion based on being undefeated, only to get slaughtered by a Division I opponent. Strength of schedule needs to be factored, or we need to only look at War Rating without any other factor. Eventually, with enough sticking to War Rating only, a team would only need to worry if the go up a bracket and they cannot handle the competition.

    Either that, or we need separate divisions each with it’s own master bracket and appropriate rewards for the difficulty. They want the bigger rewards? Work hard at recruiting and build a roster.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    Unless Allies stop manipulating it with Tanking, that's not going to be an effective measure, and we all know they won't stop doing that on their own, so it has to be intervened with.
  • Neffa45Neffa45 Member Posts: 22

    Neffa45 said:

    Dsc0721 said:

    If you weigh war rating or prestige to high or to low. The system benefits one group or the other. Many seem to think that prestige is no longer a factor I think it’s just not the higher weighted factor and after a period of settling out these wild mismatches will be no more, if an alliance is good enough they can move up as high as there prestige will allow.

    You should only "weigh" war rating period end of story. This is how well you perform on both attack and defense based on YOUR ACTUAL ROSTER. If you push up based on skill your account will eventually limit you and you're rewarded on said true mechanic. Imagine Major league baseball or basketball or hockey never getting the opportunity to play others actually in their bracket and then these low dogs pass them up because they never face opponentsas hard as they always do.
    Exactly... Divison II NCAA undefeated team going to a Nation Champion based on being undefeated, only to get slaughtered by a Division I opponent. Strength of schedule needs to be factored, or we need to only look at War Rating without any other factor. Eventually, with enough sticking to War Rating only, a team would only need to worry if the go up a bracket and they cannot handle the competition.

    Either that, or we need separate divisions each with it’s own master bracket and appropriate rewards for the difficulty. They want the bigger rewards? Work hard at recruiting and build a roster.

    This is like Community College teams collecting greater rewards than Division I teams and all the while they never actually face each other
  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 772 ★★★

    Unless Allies stop manipulating it with Tanking, that's not going to be an effective measure, and we all know they won't stop doing that on their own, so it has to be intervened with.

    You can’t tank anymore... WR is locked in tier 1-4, everyone else gets 1/2 points. Their is barely any movement in WR in the off season. No alliance would tank during season, it is counter intuitive to the objective.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    Plus they're hopping up and down the Leaderboard in the Off-Season. That all has an effect. So you need SOMETHING regulating Matches. Prestige is the solution. As for Rewards, that could be looked at.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★

    Unless Allies stop manipulating it with Tanking, that's not going to be an effective measure, and we all know they won't stop doing that on their own, so it has to be intervened with.

    You can’t tank anymore... WR is locked in tier 1-4, everyone else gets 1/2 points. Their is barely any movement in WR in the off season. No alliance would tank during season, it is counter intuitive to the objective.
    Right. So the only place people are Tanking is 1-4, and nothing affects anything in the Off-Season. Is that what you're saying? Lol. Forget the Shells and the other Tiers Tanking. Problem solved. Hahaha
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    Personally I think the only hard-and-fast solution is to separate Season from Off in some way. That way nothing outside of Seasons can manipulate progress within it. Nevertheless here we are.
  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 772 ★★★

    Personally I think the only hard-and-fast solution is to separate Season from Off in some way. That way nothing outside of Seasons can manipulate progress within it. Nevertheless here we are.

    You can still have shell accounts with your... you can use alts to get an alt alliance to the rank you want and then switch. You need to temporarily disqualify players for moving alliances.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★

    Unless Allies stop manipulating it with Tanking, that's not going to be an effective measure, and we all know they won't stop doing that on their own, so it has to be intervened with.

    You can’t tank anymore... WR is locked in tier 1-4, everyone else gets 1/2 points. Their is barely any movement in WR in the off season. No alliance would tank during season, it is counter intuitive to the objective.
    Right. So the only place people are Tanking is 1-4, and nothing affects anything in the Off-Season. Is that what you're saying? Lol. Forget the Shells and the other Tiers Tanking. Problem solved. Hahaha
    1/2 points and short off season minimizes how much tanking can be done. Shells aren’t tanking... please scroll back to my solution to that on a response to you. It seems you don’t read the posts and only bloviate for the sake of listening to your own voice.

    Please go back to retirement, the whole forum cheered when you announced it. Otherwise you are just spamming.
    Shells aren't Tanking. Yet they jump down, fight weaker Allies, affect their Rating, and the system is haywire again. Don't make this personal. If you can't discuss it without the digs, don't engage with me.
  • Dsc0721Dsc0721 Member Posts: 83
    I think at lower tiers prestige should factor heavier so new 30 mill alliances aren’t crushing 100k alliances in stone, but gold and up yeah match in war rating only.
  • Dsc0721Dsc0721 Member Posts: 83
    Once you get out of silver buckle up
  • Neffa45Neffa45 Member Posts: 22
    edited April 2020
    Kabaam implemented the "TRUE" hard and fast already dude you don't need to differ. It was the correct action no more needs to be said.

    Alliances complaining that they were getting smoked by other Alliances 2x their strength SHOULD get smoked because they aren't where they should be. Most Platinum Alliances are banking on selling fluff and keeping prestige low. Until both end up where they end up it is what is it is.....

    Kabaam had it right when they did it, but they should have been transparent about it and warned everyone. It really just needs to happen at the start of seasons and the Alliances that aren't where they should be will move up and down respectively. Then we'll have a decent platform
  • Markjv81Markjv81 Member Posts: 1,039 ★★★★
    So does it look like kabam changes matchmaking for 1 war to simply remove a specific alliance from top spot? That’s what it looks like to me, pretty damn shady if you ask me, regardless of wether they belonged there or not they were only playing under kabams flawed system.
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  • hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Member Posts: 2,262 ★★★★★
    edited April 2020
    QuikPik said:

    The prestige match making is so broken it's not funny.

    This is my test alliance:

    Who we got matched against:

    That's nearly a 400 point difference in war rating but of course our prestige is very close.

    Firstly, there's no way the match making system should have searched through 3 tiers to find this match.

    Secondly, how does our 2800 prestige alliance even get to over a 2100 war rating. This shouldn't be possible under any fair system.

    We've only lost 1 war since starting at zero war rating. That one match we lost was 2 wars ago when we got matched against an alliance with similar war rating but nearly 3x the prestige. That match was fair as we are clearly playing above our means due to the match making system.

    I have no doubt a 4-6k prestige alliance playing 3 BG wars with skilled players can finish plat 1 or master.

    Thanks again for all the research, data collection and effort you have put into outlining this issue. It's appreciated man.
  • Neffa45Neffa45 Member Posts: 22
    Scammers will always scam, thats completely off topic @GroundedWisdom so leave that where it needs to be. We're discussing true mechanics in this thread, if you can't dig then leave. Right now the majority of weak alliances are getting better rewards with less cost than bigger ones. That's the TRUE scam so you should consider that before you talk about ANYTHING else. The way Kabaam introduced it a few days ago is how it should be, then they can deal with the scammers so the rest of us can live in peace 90% of the time.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    Neffa45 said:

    Scammers will always scam, thats completely off topic @GroundedWisdom so leave that where it needs to be. We're discussing true mechanics in this thread, if you can't dig then leave. Right now the majority of weak alliances are getting better rewards with less cost than bigger ones. That's the TRUE scam so you should consider that before you talk about ANYTHING else. The way Kabaam introduced it a few days ago is how it should be, then they can deal with the scammers so the rest of us can live in peace 90% of the time.

    No. That IS the topic. What do you think led to exploring other regulative factors for Matchmaking? "Scammers will always scam."
    That's what. Now you have the same people that bastardized the system and made the reason we need Prestige complaining that the Matches are fair. That's it. If fairness isn't a goal, shut it down and just give people what they "think" they deserve.
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  • Gregdagr8Gregdagr8 Member Posts: 385 ★★★
    They don't want rewar
    Markjv81 said:

    So does it look like kabam changes matchmaking for 1 war to simply remove a specific alliance from top spot? That’s what it looks like to me, pretty damn shady if you ask me, regardless of wether they belonged there or not they were only playing under kabams flawed system.

    Yep! The Company is a complete joke.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    Charnutz said:

    Neffa45 said:

    Scammers will always scam, thats completely off topic @GroundedWisdom so leave that where it needs to be. We're discussing true mechanics in this thread, if you can't dig then leave. Right now the majority of weak alliances are getting better rewards with less cost than bigger ones. That's the TRUE scam so you should consider that before you talk about ANYTHING else. The way Kabaam introduced it a few days ago is how it should be, then they can deal with the scammers so the rest of us can live in peace 90% of the time.

    No. That IS the topic. What do you think led to exploring other regulative factors for Matchmaking? "Scammers will always scam."
    That's what. Now you have the same people that bastardized the system and made the reason we need Prestige complaining that the Matches are fair. That's it. If fairness isn't a goal, shut it down and just give people what they "think" they deserve.

    Neffa45 said:

    Scammers will always scam, thats completely off topic @GroundedWisdom so leave that where it needs to be. We're discussing true mechanics in this thread, if you can't dig then leave. Right now the majority of weak alliances are getting better rewards with less cost than bigger ones. That's the TRUE scam so you should consider that before you talk about ANYTHING else. The way Kabaam introduced it a few days ago is how it should be, then they can deal with the scammers so the rest of us can live in peace 90% of the time.

    No. That IS the topic. What do you think led to exploring other regulative factors for Matchmaking? "Scammers will always scam."
    That's what. Now you have the same people that bastardized the system and made the reason we need Prestige complaining that the Matches are fair. That's it. If fairness isn't a goal, shut it down and just give people what they "think" they deserve.
    Wait, so you think this entire thread is about scammers?? Wow, you truly are a kabam employee
    No. The Thread is about War. The issue we're discussing was the result of people taking advantage of the system and creating the need to ensure fairness.
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    edited April 2020
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