Quake evade not working

@Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious
Is there anyway that some in game testers can have a look at quake. I’m noticing more and more as I’ve been using her more often that she’s not 100% evading while concussion is active, I’ve checked against nodes, champs I’m fighting and in quest, arena and war it’s happening more often the more I utilise her. It’s costing me a bunch of potions in war and questing to heal her up because I’m taking hits that shouldn’t be happening. While I’m not asking for compensation etc I just want her looking at and fixing so it’s not gonna cost me resources in the future. She’s a great champ and is so helpful in so many different matchups, I don’t wanna have to get to the point where I stop using her
Is there anyway that some in game testers can have a look at quake. I’m noticing more and more as I’ve been using her more often that she’s not 100% evading while concussion is active, I’ve checked against nodes, champs I’m fighting and in quest, arena and war it’s happening more often the more I utilise her. It’s costing me a bunch of potions in war and questing to heal her up because I’m taking hits that shouldn’t be happening. While I’m not asking for compensation etc I just want her looking at and fixing so it’s not gonna cost me resources in the future. She’s a great champ and is so helpful in so many different matchups, I don’t wanna have to get to the point where I stop using her
The interaction actually made me laugh out loud :-)