Need some advices about rank up my champs

Heya, I have 4 champions rank 4/5 and I need class catalysm lvl 4 and I dont know yet how to get them faster, I am at act 4 chapter 3 and its too hard to continue, right now I can play at events but it doesnt help a lot, the only way I can obtain fragments is on daily event, idk what to do, I feel like itll take an eternity to get class catalysm lvl 4. Any tips?
As for your question, you will only be able to get t4cc faster after getting Uncollected.
Post your roster here so that I can help ya.
Plus the contents shouldn't be that hard. I suggest you to get your masteries right.
u need it for doom
As for Void, if you can get a science awakening gem out awaken him, his also worth r5. I nearly forgot, do hiding that Hyperion, his also worthy of r5.
Pump atleast 50+ sig stones in Aegon. He will carry all your fights. Two recommend synergies would be Nick and Quake. Even 3* would do.
@Mathgeek & @Desembra since you guys are not yet Uncollected, like I said, it would be hard to get those t4cc.
Best options are Alliance quest, t4cc crystal and t4cc fragment crystals. It will be a long haul man. Most of the times you won't get the catalyst you need.
Also you can get t4cc crystal after every war season depending on your alliances placement.
Hyperion is really good. That sp3 is a killer.