[iOS] Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation



  • MasterDuffMasterDuff Member Posts: 3
    Mcoc name. Duffmaster
    Newest version of game
    Newest update to iphone6
    Shutdown phone daily to free up memory.

    Game crashes like 8 times or more a day. Game freezes right when i start the fight in AQ and AW and story mode. I know there is fight recovery but i cant keep starting every war or AQ with half health.
    Starting to get over annoyed with always having a disadvantage.
    Been home an hour today and already two crashes.

    Whats the deal guys

  • SEALteam6SEALteam6 Member Posts: 91
    Thanks I got rulk iron man iw
  • TrazeTraze Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2020
    I’m having problems with my arena? After selecting champs and selecting my opponents I am unable to start the fights. It just says Heroes does not match the heroes on my team?i restarted the game but still the same and I am unable to grind arena points? Even if it is fixed after I already lost the rewards of arena and is unable to get the milestones rewards as well??am I gonna get compensated for losing such rewards or at least fix it before the arena ends?

  • Yaddy09Yaddy09 Member Posts: 32
    IGN Yaddy09
    iOS iPhone 7
    Cellular and WiFi
    Last game version and operating system

    Constantly crashing at all portions of the game. Home screen, load screen, mid fight in story, aq and wr - at all points of the game. I do not get stuck loading or searching for signal icons, it just force closes to home screen of iphone. Started yesterday but thought it was just connectivity issues, but has happened maybe dozen or so times already.

  • KingWizKingWiz Member Posts: 1
    MCOC Name: WizKid
    Phone: Samsung Note 10+
    Game Version: April update
    What I've tried: reinstalling the game, restarting my phone, clearing out all the trash and useless files

    I'm having huge lag issues also. I have the note 10+ and the game has been working immaculately alongside our wifi. However, when ever I try to enter the game it takes forever and I end up switching to data in order to even enter the game. Then when I try to press different tabs such as alliance, fight, or even my profile pic it just goes to a semi black screen @Kabam Miike @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Zibiit please please please can you guys get this fixed as soon as possible, I really want to be playing this game without any lag issues

    Thats what I'm experiencing right now

    Thank you guys in advance
  • BoranParkerBoranParker Member Posts: 47
    edited April 2020

    My game crashes in the beginning of the fight. This usually happens in AW or Baron's War. I'm sick of this, please fix this as soon as possible.

    iOS version : 12.4.5
    MCOC version : Latest.
  • SarriSarri Member Posts: 5
    I’m stuck at the loading screen for 5 hours and counting, my AQ time is burning and no help in the forums for this kind of issue. I use and iPhone X and I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled the game like 6 times already and still stuck at the loading screen.

    I need help please
  • TonygregTonygreg Member Posts: 4
    In game name: tonygreg
    Device: IPhone 6
    Operating sys: iOS 12.4.6(up to date)
    Cellular or WiFi: both
    Game: version 26.1.1
    Game mode: all game modes
    Description: in event quest, story mode, incursion once I click start fight the next two seconds it crashes not always but often like 3 times a day, arena after the first fight while loading the next it crashes, Aq when fighting silver surfer and he does his sp3 it crashes.... I have lost alot of health potions and revives. I’m not finding it funny... it happens frequently I need it to be fixed please
  • Tyler1GTyler1G Member Posts: 1
    iOS 13.4.1
    Update 26.1.1
    All modes
    The game often crashes at the beginning of a fight and often happens back to back. Pls fix this it really makes me not want to play because of how often it crashes and is affecting me from not playing aq or aw because I’m afraid of my game crashing at the start of a fight and affecting my alliances performance
  • FraakenatorFraakenator Member Posts: 2
    In game name: Fraakenator
    iPhone 7+
    iOS 13.3.1
    WiFi and cellular - carrier TFW
    Update 26.1.1
    Upon startup

    Every time I try to access the game it gets stuck on the loading screen. I’ve literally been on the loading screen for 20 mins with nothing happening. This started midday on 4/17.
    I’ve restarted my phone, closed all other apps and deleted the app and reinstalled. Nothing helps.
  • CloudOfContemptCloudOfContempt Member Posts: 97 ★★
    In-Game Name: CloudOfContempt
    Device and Model: iPhone 8
    Device Operating System: iOS 13.3.1
    Cellular or WiFi: Both. AT&T
    Game Version Installed: 26.1.1
    Game Mode: I've experienced this issue in Alliance War, Alliance Quest, Story, Event Quest, Incursions, and Arena.
    Description of the Issue: I've been dealing with a lot of lag as the individual fights are loading. Sometimes there is a loading error or delay between the pre-fight screen and the fight phase, but more specifically there has been lag right as the game announces "fight!" on screen. It's lagging perfectly at the time where user input is being accepted and it has been removing my ability to take any action; dash backs, parries, light attacks, even heavies for Quake. All seem to be failing and it has been leading to me getting hit immediately by the opponent which is costing me expensive resources in all game modes. I'm writing this because most recently this occurred in AW and I had no opportunity to act or even retaliate, the opponent got the immediate jump on me and gave me a full combo into a special attack 1 which resulted in a KO. Spending the unnecessary resources is not right, but it's also unfair to my alliance members by giving up a death for no reason. I'll also be filing an ticket in game, but this issue needs addressing, it's been happening to me with decent frequency over the last week.
  • Arsenal33Arsenal33 Member Posts: 105
    edited April 2020
    Arsenal 33
    iPad (6th gen)
    iOS 13.3.1
    Latest version of the game
    Game crashing frequently at start of the fight (probably 10 time today). I happened twice in AQ, which sucks because it is forcing me to use potions to recover health I never lost.
    Majority of times in arena it let me go into the fight after the crash, but a couple of times it resulted in a straight loss.
  • Pbg__5ivePbg__5ive Member Posts: 11
    In-Game Name: Møther_fuNkeR
    Device Operating System: iPhone XS Max 13.4.1
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 26.1.1
    Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest or Alliance War.
    Description of the Issue: It doesn’t happen to specific champions or fights, happens every 5-10 minutes, the game starts lagging all of the sudden and it’s unplayable in the moment of the lag, if you’re evading or in mid combo you are done.
  • Darkknight_94Darkknight_94 Member Posts: 484 ★★★
    In game name: Dark Knight_94
    Device and model: iphone 7
    Ios version: 13.2.2
    Cellular or wifi: cellular
    Game version: latest
    Game mode: all game modes
    Description of the issue: whenever i m in middle of the fight, game pauses for a second or 2 and resumes and sometimes it crashes n game shuts down automatically! Sometimes game shows weak connection but everything else is working except the game ! In incursions as well, i was attackin the boss, game paused in middle of my special attack and when resumes, boss blocks it !!
  • Dareggaemon_1Dareggaemon_1 Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2020
    My game is stuck on the opening screen after it crashed while i was doing incursions. I already ried to reinstall the game twice. This was right after i used a 5k revive and potions yo heal up.

    I use an iphone 6s plus ios 13.3.1
    In game name XxGodsentxX
    Wifi and Cellular
  • Dean43Dean43 Member Posts: 9
    - Approximately when did you first notice this issue? A few days ago
    - Did the issue persist after force closing (restarting) the application? Yes
    - Which version of Marvel Contest of Champions are you running? Most recent in google, apple store. Version 1012370
    - What is the make and model of your device? (Example: Samsung Galaxy S9) Galaxy s10e, Razer 2, and 10 other people I know are having the same issues al apple and android
    - What is the operating system and version of your device? (Example: iOS 11) Android 10
    - Did this issue occur after a recent hardware or software update? It occurred after your last down for maintenance
    - Did anything strange happen before this issue occurred? You went down for Maintenance

    We find that these details are the most helpful starting point when investigating concerns of this nature. Finally, we would greatly appreciate any screenshots or videos you could provide that would best show the reported issue. Images provide details that can often be missed or forgotten in the moment which can prove invaluable to the team. Cant show in play stuff like that, as you would not see what I am trying to make it do. Simply put if I try to make Medusa, or spidergwen or certain others move right they immediately go into medium hit. Which last week they did not. Last week I could do light hit or swipe and go medium. This week any movement right makes them go into medium.

  • Dean43Dean43 Member Posts: 9
    - Approximately when did you first notice this issue? A few days ago
    - Did the issue persist after force closing (restarting) the application? Yes
    - Which version of Marvel Contest of Champions are you running? Most recent in google, apple store. Version 1012370
    - What is the make and model of your device? (Example: Samsung Galaxy S9) Galaxy s10e, Razer 2, and 10 other people I know are having the same issues al apple and android
    - What is the operating system and version of your device? (Example: iOS 11) Android 10
    - Did this issue occur after a recent hardware or software update? It occurred after your last down for maintenance
    - Did anything strange happen before this issue occurred? You went down for Maintenance

    Players will move even when they are in defense mode with thumb down on them, plerys will go into medium hit when ever they move right, they will do things other than what I am trying to do. They will attack but the attack goes through the foe adn doe snothing. This happens on 2 cell phones and both android and apple.

    We find that these details are the most helpful starting point when investigating concerns of this nature. Finally, we would greatly appreciate any screenshots or videos you could provide that would best show the reported issue. Images provide details that can often be missed or forgotten in the moment which can prove invaluable to the team. Cant show in play stuff like that, as you would not see what I am trying to make it do. Simply put if I try to make Medusa, or spidergwen or certain others move right they immediately go into medium hit. Which last week they did not. Last week I could do light hit or swipe and go medium. This week any movement right makes them go into medium.
  • RebugRebug Member Posts: 12
    In-Game Name: JoeMoji36
    Device and Model: iPhone 7
    Device Operating System: ios 13.4.1
    Cellular or WiFi: Wifi
    Game Version Installed: 26.1.1
    Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests
    Description of the Issue: in the middle of playing, the game will crash and shut down. Happens during a fight and also moving on the map. Happens multiple times but not always consistent. I have been able to get through an event quest path with out it happening but also there are times it happens 5 to 10 times during the path. When i try to screen record the game for proof and if the game crashes I lose the recording also. Seems like the recording crashes at the same time. The game does also crash when not using the recording feature on the iPhone. I am also able to save a screen recording if the game does not crash. So this issue is not isolated to the recording.
  • Mrmarvel123Mrmarvel123 Member Posts: 60
    iPhone 7
    Phone heating up and crashing every 10 minutes fights extremely laggy then crash
    In game name - Matt4815
  • docu3docu3 Member Posts: 18
    MCOC v 26.1.1
    problem happens both on WiFi and off
    game crashes to phone home screen as son as it opens past loading screen.
    all gameplay completely inaccessible
  • ibm7ibm7 Member Posts: 1
    In-Game Name: Ibm7
    Device and Model: iPhone 11 pro
    Device Operating System: 13.4.1
    Cellular or WiFi: both
    Game Version Installed: 26.1.1
    Game Mode: all game modes, anytime, all the time!!!
  • Skydad23Skydad23 Member Posts: 556 ★★★
    Dean43 said:

    - Approximately when did you first notice this issue? A few days ago
    - Did the issue persist after force closing (restarting) the application? Yes
    - Which version of Marvel Contest of Champions are you running? Most recent in google, apple store. Version 1012370
    - What is the make and model of your device? (Example: Samsung Galaxy S9) Galaxy s10e, Razer 2, and 10 other people I know are having the same issues al apple and android
    - What is the operating system and version of your device? (Example: iOS 11) Android 10
    - Did this issue occur after a recent hardware or software update? It occurred after your last down for maintenance
    - Did anything strange happen before this issue occurred? You went down for Maintenance

    Players will move even when they are in defense mode with thumb down on them, plerys will go into medium hit when ever they move right, they will do things other than what I am trying to do. They will attack but the attack goes through the foe adn doe snothing. This happens on 2 cell phones and both android and apple.

    We find that these details are the most helpful starting point when investigating concerns of this nature. Finally, we would greatly appreciate any screenshots or videos you could provide that would best show the reported issue. Images provide details that can often be missed or forgotten in the moment which can prove invaluable to the team. Cant show in play stuff like that, as you would not see what I am trying to make it do. Simply put if I try to make Medusa, or spidergwen or certain others move right they immediately go into medium hit. Which last week they did not. Last week I could do light hit or swipe and go medium. This week any movement right makes them go into medium.

    Yes all of this same for me! At first I was thinking I was having an off day now a couple days in are use two different phones toggle between Wi-Fi and cellular connection keep having all the same issues too much of a coincidence for something not to be bugged. Just started discussing it with everyone in my alliance nobody wanted to say something because they didn’t wanna come off like they were making excuses but all started commenting on similar issues.
  • Mart83Mart83 Member Posts: 21
    edited April 2020
    IGN: Mart83
    iPhone 7
    MCOC 26.1.1
    Game keeps crashing, force closing itself mid fight which is getting very annoying in AW and AQ, only been happening today but happened 5-6 times
  • CtjackalCtjackal Member Posts: 1
    I’m experiencing high level of game crashing and game closing automatically before any single fights! This has been ongoing for days now! I literally can’t play the game.
  • RockypantherxRockypantherx Member Posts: 3,922 ★★★★★
    I’ve had it for the last few months on my IPhone 6. If you have an older phone it just seems to be something we have to put up with
  • CtjackalCtjackal Member Posts: 1
    Iv been playing the game for years but this is the worst it’s ever been for me on iPhone 7... literally struggling to play any quests or incursions, it’s just ridiculous!
  • FeroX_the_fat_heringFeroX_the_fat_hering Member Posts: 311 ★★
    Yeah same here
  • fabiuzbfabiuzb Member Posts: 1
    iPhone 7
    iOs 13.4.1
    MCOC version 27.0.0
    Game keeps crashing from yesterday and today, May 2, it’s impossible to play, it happens after 2 min I open the game.
  • Pavan0394Pavan0394 Member Posts: 3

    Hi Summoners!

    Our team is working to identify and address performance issues in The Contest and we need your help as we gather relevant information.

    As part of this process, it is important for you to understand that lag and game performance are affected by a host of factors including: device, operating system, connection and even Champions or maps. Complicated issues such as these involve an equally complicated investigation process, due to all of these variables. Your contributions to this thread will help in that investigation. This, however, does not mean that there is one single “fix” coming that will address all concerns for all players. It is an ongoing process of improvements that the team is continually working toward as the game progresses.

    If you are experiencing crashing, lag, unresponsive controls or performance problems in the iOS version of The Contest, please reply using the template below.

    This thread is for iOS users only.

    In-Game Name: Please include your in-game (not forum) name.
    Device and Model: (Example, iPhone 7)
    Device Operating System: (Example, iOS 11) You can find out the operating system on an iPhone by going to Settings, then General and scrolling down to “Version.”
    Cellular or WiFi: Does this issue happen when you are using cellular data, WiFi or both? If on cellular, what is your mobile carrier?
    Game Version Installed: To check which version of the game you have installed, go to the App Store and confirm that you have the latest version installed which will show you the number.
    Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest or Alliance War.
    Description of the Issue: Please include a full and complete description of the lag and performance issue you are experiencing with as much relevant detail as possible. This includes any specific Champions affected and how long you’ve been experiencing the issue.

    Replies to this thread must use the template below and provide relevant, constructive information about the issue. This thread is for information gathering and not one-on-one support. Off topic posts, requests for status updates and general complaints will be removed according to the forum rules.

    Moto G5S +
    Android Oreo
    Wifi and cellular data
    Latest Black Widow Deadly origin version
    Alliance Quest
    'game is crashing when Silver Surfer is using his heavy attacks and special 3 attack, it's been quite a while since Dr Doom has been introduced into AQ as boss'
  • GasHaulerGasHauler Member Posts: 192 ★★
    In-Game Name: GasHauler
    Device and Model: iPhone 7+
    Device Operating System: iOS 13.2.2
    Cellular or WiFi: Both; AT&T
    Game Version Installed: 27.0.0
    Game Mode: Alliance War, but also happens in other game modes.
    Description of the Issue: Have been noticing increased problem of game screen or animation lag when some champions perform specials, most noticeably Corvus and Black Widow Claire Voyant, but several other champions as well. Also have noticed quite frequently that the game is seems to frequently drop the last hit of a 5 hit combo going into activating a Special, giving the opponent time to block the Special or attack me.

    This has been happening since the last few updates, but more noticeably since 26.1 and 27.0.0
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