Nick Fury's Strategic Sabotage is Bugged

Given the emphasis to focus on abilities working exactly as stated in the in game text, I think there is a bug with Nick Fury's Strategic Sabotage synergy and how it interacts with Ghost and Quake.
Quake loses the 3 synergy charges as she is charging heavy, and Ghost loses hers while phasing. This is not correct.
The synergy starts : "if Nick is alive the first 3 hits thrown from the opponent have a 100% chance to be evaded" - - Emphasis on "hits"
Quake's passive states "evades all basic attacks against opponents with a concussion" - - note that she is evading, and thus not getting hit. She should not lose the charges.
Ghost has an even stronger case, as order of evading can't be used as a weak excuse. Her phasing text begins "While phasing, incoming attacks have a 100% chance to miss" - - they are missing, so they CANNOT be hitting. The game even agrees, as she stands there with the miss text popping up. She does not evade, but still loses the charges!
I believe it is fair to say that this synergy is NOT working as stated in the game. We have recently learned that functionality in the game for ages can be changed due to it not working as stated in the game, so we should also expect that to happen in this case. This reasoning cannot be invoked only when the error is working in our favor.
Fix Quake and Ghost.
Quake loses the 3 synergy charges as she is charging heavy, and Ghost loses hers while phasing. This is not correct.
The synergy starts : "if Nick is alive the first 3 hits thrown from the opponent have a 100% chance to be evaded" - - Emphasis on "hits"
Quake's passive states "evades all basic attacks against opponents with a concussion" - - note that she is evading, and thus not getting hit. She should not lose the charges.
Ghost has an even stronger case, as order of evading can't be used as a weak excuse. Her phasing text begins "While phasing, incoming attacks have a 100% chance to miss" - - they are missing, so they CANNOT be hitting. The game even agrees, as she stands there with the miss text popping up. She does not evade, but still loses the charges!
I believe it is fair to say that this synergy is NOT working as stated in the game. We have recently learned that functionality in the game for ages can be changed due to it not working as stated in the game, so we should also expect that to happen in this case. This reasoning cannot be invoked only when the error is working in our favor.
Fix Quake and Ghost.
This discussion has been closed.
But for Quake, is working as intended. Neither her base evade or the charges from the synergy have priority over the other. They are both triggered for the same reason, which is when she is about to get hit.
This has already been discussed in other threads, you can just search them
So many champions don't consume evade if it's part of their basic kit. Elsa Bloodstone is one such example. That's what allows her to get 5 guaranteed evades
Both abilities trigger due to the same reason. Because Quake is about to get hit. One evade is triggered because there is a concussion on the opponent, and the other triggers because she has charges.
As none has the priority over the other, both trigger at the same time. The evade is essentially the same on both, as well as the trigger. What changes is one relies on a charge from a synergy and the other relies on Quake holding an heavy attack
The evade from the synergy WILL happen, because THERE IS one hit to be evaded.
This isn't even a bug or a problem with Quake. Evade abilities in general work that way, and every single champion that trigger an evade ability while about to get hit WILL consume the charge from the synergy, since both evade abilities work the same way. And again, is not because that one triggers that the other one won't.
I understand that you want the interaction to change in order to get an additional advantage out of it, with a specific list of champions. But that is going against how the game is supposed to work.
1. An attacker missing on ghost should not use up the charges as there is no actual evade taking place. It says “miss” on the screen, not “evade.” To say they are the same is being willfully ignorant.
2. Quake evading an attack based on her own abilities and mechanisms should not cause the 3 guaranteed evades from the Fury synergy to be used. The text states “hits,” not attacks, where as her text states “basic attacks.” An attack and a hit are two completely different things. Evading an attack would prevent the hit, therefore negating the possibility of being hit which would mean the evasion of a hit would not be necessary and wouldn’t use a synergy evade. Someone can throw something at you and that would be an attack. But if it’s not going to hit you, you wouldn’t need to get out of the way. Same logic.
3. If we were to all agree that quake evading based on her own ability and the Fury synergy have simultaneous and equal triggers and it does make sense that it uses up the evades from the synergy, then what is the point of the mechanism in this synergy for quake? The only time that would be relevant is if you a fighting a boosted node that starts with 1-2 bars of power, she should evade the first three hits from a special if they were to throw it immediately.
And again, Quake isn't the problem here. Any champion with an evade ability will behave the same way.
It just so happens that "quake style" relies on her evasion. So, what?
Either don't play her that way or live without the benefit of the synergy.
It's working as intended