Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Worst piece of content in game?

Grootman1294Grootman1294 Posts: 875 ★★★★
Has there ever been a piece of content in the game that has made you want to quit or has made you very salty? Feel free to vent your frustrations here! Just be constructive and try not to get this poll shut down. Consider this a place where Kabam can look and find out what the players DON'T want.

Worst piece of content in game? 240 votes

Alliance War
TheJalliSnizzbarJa1970RaganatorCarnage313TendersquadNick_Caine_32jdrum663ForwardOesername123R_D_JrGoldenSkullDuo_Kulioege999menSolrac_2Smashing123Mqc19Kamikaze_TurtlearsjumSammyJankis 100 votes
Act 6
buffajrzuffyquando213Ragnarok13SpicyslicerPrimis00MikeyBoi69ThecurlerRCunhaIronBlaze09MasterduxpseudosaneTheHeroDeservedSaransh245DrDeadpoolAssumedNameDRTOScopeotoe987MysterioWRIR 48 votes
Alliance quest
BigPoppaCBONEAakashJwallace25Ngoalong711 4 votes
Variant (any of them)
NuclekerrMarvel2289Midnite93DonDudu2809Slevin73SwarmOfRavensSerious_786 7 votes
LeNoirFaineantHaji_SaabJestressKyrkantPrimmer79bm3eppsJohnyzeroB4nanaJoNitro422_ASDF_HendrossDuffMcGruffDeQueueKerneasTheHoodedDormammuDatman257TheLegend27Mitriaxshadow_lurker22KDSuperFlash10 45 votes
Monthly events
Lucky7LucianoBłADE 2 votes
LmaoLordRaymond3Dead1RazeStrikeAaronc94KamOmegaNoGutsNoGlory39fchskm 8 votes
My_SuperiorOpandemonioEsket1t_420Massapealdisturbedgenius 5 votes
Other, comment below!
Mr_PlatypusSpity68Monto_Carlos28Foxhero007FR33_HUG5KattohSVoltolosWakanda4Ever278StevieManWonderLykanonWoody15dangarang122BonzodavidGinjabredMonstaMasterpuffH_I_ZRawrasurusgian_18WarlockdaRobotGiuliameij 21 votes


  • Options
    EtjamaEtjama Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    Alliance War
    AW followed by Arena. Anyone saying Variants is insane.
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    SuperiorSymbioteSuperiorSymbiote Posts: 1,862 ★★★★★
    The only arena I ever won something from was the 3* stealthy and mysterio arena😂
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    Kevo9513Kevo9513 Posts: 356 ★★
    edited May 2020
    Bane of my existence
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    Foxhero007Foxhero007 Posts: 732 ★★★
    Other, comment below!
    incursions is
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    sacoma_sack78sacoma_sack78 Posts: 142
    Alliance War
    Aw is just a waste of time. Arena is a close 2nd.
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    SuperGoodSuperGood Posts: 128
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    Grooteus_MaximusGrooteus_Maximus Posts: 105
    Other, comment below!
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    CotziCotzi Posts: 128
    I hate arena boring af
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    Scopeotoe987Scopeotoe987 Posts: 1,550 ★★★★★
    Act 6
    H_I_Z said:

    5.2.4, lines in the sand

    I’m on that right now for 100% act 5 and man is that buffet magik annoying.
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    StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Posts: 5,017 ★★★★★
    Other, comment below!
    6.2.5 is the worst piece of content in the game in my opinion. After that, the Long-Distance Relationship and Cramping path in 6.3.5 (I legitimately have no idea who is meant to counter that specific node combo because the boost assigned to that path is worthless to every current mystic champ except for Mordo). 6.3.5 Mysterio is nasty fight too.
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    TheHeroDeservedTheHeroDeserved Posts: 745 ★★★
    edited May 2020
    Act 6
    6.2.5 and the Champion in 6.2.6. When exploring, it almost feels like the two chapters wasnt intended to be explored. Two bosses that really makes you hate the game, where the rewards are almost unacceptable.
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    Das_giDas_gi Posts: 320 ★★
    Alliance War
    6.2.5 and 6.2.6 are too hard for what they were supposed to be.

    That said, flow wars aren’t the problem. The fact that lower prestige alliances got their prestige and alliance rating based war matchups back after two wars where they had to face decent opponents (and got their asses kicked both times) and continuously complained about it being unfair is the problem. Us top prestige alliance have been at a disadvantage for 8-9 seasons already and they still won’t fix it. That’s the real issue
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    EpistriatusEpistriatus Posts: 1,249 ★★★★

    Where’s the ‘All of the Above’ option.

    Alliance war is a cesspit of issues
    Act 6 is just BS for the most part from front to back
    Alliance Quest is fine but the prestige race is ensuring that Kabam makes sig stones like f***ing gold dust
    Variants are great aside from the first one so I don’t really have any complaints here
    As an arena grinder, it’s boring as ***
    Monthly events are stale beyond belief
    Can’t speak about Abyss, haven’t attempted it
    Labyrinth is long and tedious with the rewards having ever decreasing value
    Shoutout to incursions for still being a grind fest, even if they are slightly less grindy than dungeons

    So basically the entire game?
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    Lucifer1810Lucifer1810 Posts: 366 ★★★
    Alliance War
    I mean i like alliance war but the matchmaking is ridiculous and the rewards need a buff for the effort taken
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    -sixate--sixate- Posts: 1,532 ★★★★★
    Alliance War
    It's always been AW and will always be AW. The only winner in AW is Kabam. I no longer play AW and I like the game a lot more because of it.
  • Options
    RockypantherxRockypantherx Posts: 3,902 ★★★★★

    Where’s the ‘All of the Above’ option.

    Alliance war is a cesspit of issues
    Act 6 is just BS for the most part from front to back
    Alliance Quest is fine but the prestige race is ensuring that Kabam makes sig stones like f***ing gold dust
    Variants are great aside from the first one so I don’t really have any complaints here
    As an arena grinder, it’s boring as ***
    Monthly events are stale beyond belief
    Can’t speak about Abyss, haven’t attempted it
    Labyrinth is long and tedious with the rewards having ever decreasing value
    Shoutout to incursions for still being a grind fest, even if they are slightly less grindy than dungeons

    So basically the entire game?
    Pretty much. I’m just too far in at this point to stop. Although I did exaggerate a bit. They might be awful but I still enjoy them all to a certain degree
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    bm3eppsbm3epps Posts: 1,153 ★★★
    edited May 2020
    this..after awhile it gets boring..I can't see how some folks put up big numbers like they do..I would have said AW, but I'm sure people in the top alliance's would definitely beg to differ
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    GiuliameijGiuliameij Posts: 1,849 ★★★★
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    It is a part of act 6. After finally wanting to attempt the Champion and downing him with my r4 5* capIW I decided to do 6.3.1 also. After facing that bs boss medusa I haven`t touched act 6 anymore. Maybe one day, but it nearly made me want to quit.
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    FR33_HUG5FR33_HUG5 Posts: 1,196 ★★★★
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    Alliance Bases being nixed.
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