Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Masteries which can help AW defence?

MephistoMephisto Posts: 522 ★★★
edited November 2021 in Strategy and Tips
Let me know some masteries setup which can help my defence team for AW. Or is it only depended on the champs we place?
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


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    Grooteus_MaximusGrooteus_Maximus Posts: 105
    Aleor said:

    Max limber
    Max parry and masteries prolonging stun on parry
    Don't run suicides
    Stand your ground, especially for autoblock champs


    Also max Courage
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    DevilMayCryDevilMayCry Posts: 77
    Unfazed mastery in addition to what others said. Not many people use this as there are better attack oriented masteries.

    Anyone facing a boss node with this mastery for first time will definitely have a hard time fighting it without proper counter.
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    MephistoMephisto Posts: 522 ★★★
    Aleor said:

    Max limber
    Max parry and masteries prolonging stun on parry
    Don't run suicides
    Stand your ground, especially for autoblock champs

    I have them all except Stand your ground.
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    Grooteus_MaximusGrooteus_Maximus Posts: 105
    edited May 2020

    Unfazed mastery in addition to what others said. Not many people use this as there are better attack oriented masteries.

    Anyone facing a boss node with this mastery for first time will definitely have a hard time fighting it without proper counter.

    ...ummm why?

    Unless you're using a Spidey or NC, unfazed isn't much of a defensive mastery.

    It's definitely more of an "oh ####, thank god" attack mastery.

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    AburaeesAburaees Posts: 514 ★★★
    Is unfazed only triggered by pure evade, or is it also triggered by dexterity?
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    Grooteus_MaximusGrooteus_Maximus Posts: 105
    Aburaees said:

    Is unfazed only triggered by pure evade, or is it also triggered by dexterity?


    Dexterity isn't an evade.
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    ChampioncriticChampioncritic Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    Aleor said:

    Max limber
    Max parry and masteries prolonging stun on parry
    Don't run suicides
    Stand your ground, especially for autoblock champs

    This, however the only instance where you CAN in fact used the bleed suicides is if you are supplying omega red and elsa bloodstone.
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    Grooteus_MaximusGrooteus_Maximus Posts: 105

    Aleor said:

    Max limber
    Max parry and masteries prolonging stun on parry
    Don't run suicides
    Stand your ground, especially for autoblock champs

    This, however the only instance where you CAN in fact used the bleed suicides is if you are supplying omega red and elsa bloodstone.
    And Courage! Why do people forget Courage?
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    MephistoMephisto Posts: 522 ★★★
    Would love to hear some update on this.
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    CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    Nothings changed much.

    It’s still
    Stand your ground
    With notable mentions of unfazed, despair and inequity.
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    MephistoMephisto Posts: 522 ★★★
    @CoatHang3r Stand Your Ground 5/5?
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    CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    Mephisto said:

    @CoatHang3r Stand Your Ground 5/5?

    If you can spare it, i have mine at 4/5 since mole man loves it for attack but thinking about it I’ve had 2 points I’m not sure what to do with so if I remember I might bump it to 5/5.
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    DiablordDiablord Posts: 531 ★★★

    i think max recoil and no willpower is the way to go for an aw defence

    So you just want an easy win right?
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    odishika123odishika123 Posts: 5,387 ★★★★★
    Diablord said:

    i think max recoil and no willpower is the way to go for an aw defence

    So you just want an easy win right?
    Some benefit greatly and could even be kinda immortal on defense

    Angela (doubt you see her on defense though)
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    MephistoMephisto Posts: 522 ★★★

    i think max recoil and no willpower is the way to go for an aw defence

    Let's only discuss about MCoC and not other games :D
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