Which Bug Fix do you want the most to be fixed?

There are a bunch of bugs/problems/issues/glitches in the game, which one should Kabam fix first. Of course, this doesn't mean they shouldn't fix the other bugs. Best case scenario: No more bugs plus some free stuff.
Thought it'd be nice to see which bug annoys the people the most (excluding me
- Witty
Thought it'd be nice to see which bug annoys the people the most (excluding me

- Witty
The one bug that I want to see fixed more than anything now is the "Whiffing" Bug. I'm talking about dodging an opponent and then countering with either an uppercut or a dashed attack and then missing. This is the one that bothers me more than anything right now, ESPECIALLY when the whiff is swiftly followed by a special attack from the AI. Argh! This drives me mad.
Not sure if this is a bug or not, but when I'm blocking, I want when I lift my finger off my iPhone to no longer be blocking. The reason for this is sometimes I need to block certain portions of an attack and then evade other portions. For example, when I start off blocking Elektra's special1 attack, I will usually block the first ninja star that gets thrown and try to evade the second one so that I can follow up with a counter attack (if I block the entire attack, then when I go to counter, she will block. If I can evade the second ninja star, then I can run at her, attack, and she can't block my attack).
Anyways, sometimes I have to try really really hard to evade that second ninja star attack because even when I lift my finger off my iPhone's touchpad, I'll still be blocking. I end up failing the evade about 50% of the time. It's just annoying.
1) lag, crashes and crashs penalties.
2) any figthing mechanics bugs.
3) anything else.
Happened to me many times, no sure if only in AQ/AW.
The AI just blocks, then you should be active and attack, then AI is a parrymaster or the AI now do attack and its attack in someway land before yours.