LF 2 - 25 mill 5x5 AQ focused alliance 8k+ prestige
Looking for 2 active players with map 5 experience and 8k+ prestige to replace one account that is retiring and one that isn’t as active as we need.
-We are an adult alliance
-A lot of us have been playing together for a long time. So we’re looking to bring in 2 that will stay in and be loyal to this alliance (preferably in an American time zone)
-We understand there is life outside of this game as a lot of us have families just be a team player
-25 million alliance rating
-We score over 200 million in AQ and are close to 225 million
-Line for communication
-Weekly donations of 75k gold and 5k loyalty
-Be active and communicate in AQ
We do run 1 bg of AW and you will not be expected to participate but if you want to, we can talk about it. If our alliance sounds like a good, long term fit for you, reply to this post or add me on line at starkent23.
-We are an adult alliance
-A lot of us have been playing together for a long time. So we’re looking to bring in 2 that will stay in and be loyal to this alliance (preferably in an American time zone)
-We understand there is life outside of this game as a lot of us have families just be a team player
-25 million alliance rating
-We score over 200 million in AQ and are close to 225 million
-Line for communication
-Weekly donations of 75k gold and 5k loyalty
-Be active and communicate in AQ
We do run 1 bg of AW and you will not be expected to participate but if you want to, we can talk about it. If our alliance sounds like a good, long term fit for you, reply to this post or add me on line at starkent23.