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Nick Fury vs. Doctor Doom

So I’m trying to push to complete act 5.3 and I’m kinda of low on ISO and only have enough to rank up one champ. Should I rank up Doom or Nick Fury (duped)

Nick Fury vs. Doctor Doom 40 votes

Rank up 4* Nick Fury (duped)
GamerMcord11758Terraandrade5184Lvernon15HeattblasttReferenceCharlie_SceneKenaiX_Factor_AgentAkkarin23EtjamaDeaconDonDudu2809gp87Thicco_ModeGiodood_1FiiNCHBawa69Masterpuff 28 votes
Rank up 4* Doctor Doom (duped)
buffajrAspenEB54Marvel2289cookiedealerAldacMiStaLovaLucasjones_98Ctfz35Skinnyfatboy82CaptainGameBossman_Raahul 12 votes


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    Mcord11758Mcord11758 Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    Rank up 4* Nick Fury (duped)
    That is a hard one. I have both as r5 5* and they are both amazing. I guess I lean to nick though
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    andrade5184andrade5184 Posts: 289 ★★
    Rank up 4* Nick Fury (duped)
    Its a 4 star so it doesn't really matter but nick fury has way better synergies and once you have all 5 stars if you dont have 5 star fury you will use the 4 star still.
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    EtjamaEtjama Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    edited May 2020
    Rank up 4* Nick Fury (duped)
    As much as I love both these champs, I think Nick has some more uses and he has such amazing synergies that even when you have teams full of R4 5*s, you'll probably still chuck him on your team a lot. Also, if you eventually get a 5 or 6* version of Doom, he's going to replace the 4* right away. If you pull a 5 or 6* Nick, you're still going to need to awaken him.
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    MasterpuffMasterpuff Posts: 6,466 ★★★★★
    Rank up 4* Nick Fury (duped)

    That is a hard one. I have both as r5 5* and they are both amazing. I guess I lean to nick though

    Same. And they’re both incredibly good- for lower content however, I think nick would be better.
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    Southern_KantSouthern_Kant Posts: 157
    Rank up 4* Nick Fury (duped)
    Nick fury, if you pull him as a 5* it will be a struggle to awaken him but if u pull a 5* doom u don't rlly need to awaken him i believe
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