Tigra synergy with og black panther . Please fix before release

So black panther’s inbuilt ability of 80% chance on critical Hits to inflict bleed Is exactly same as synergy provided by Tigra to him,so basically synergy doesn’t do anything?
Is it the wording problem . Would be nice to receive some explanation on this one!
And for synergy for cWBP is absolute TRASH so can’t even comment on that! Since defensive synergies are not gonna b usable and doesn’t sound viable , they should replace them all with something that makes old characters usable!
Like every moonknight synergy ever, all he has gotten are very underwhelming Defensive synergies and bunch of them
,why not go back to those characters and make those synergy offensive so it can be useful. So far MK has got 5 unique synergies with average champs so no one would bring him anywhere for 10%+ power rate or 10%+ flat ability of moon phases ,defintly not for 30% chance to regen 35% health from Damage taken! It’s worthless