IT could be worse, he has some nice crit and armor break, but not exactly great either
Basically this. Armor break and nice crit damage is nothing to scoff at. Besides, a 6* is basically a 4/55 with no materials invested into it. I have OG spidy 6* aswell and he puts in some work on some paths in EQ
At least he is amazing 🤣 Just kidding. I wouldn’t mind getting the most iconic marvel character as a first 6* even if he is a below average champ in game.
been there here are all my 5 stars (got magneto first and they are all In order) 1. magneto 2. thor jane 3. night trasher 4. punisher 2099 5. Karnak 6. hulkbuster 7. mordo 8. nebula
Honestly, I use an awakened 5* r4 Spider Man Classic on my team. There are far worse champions than him. My first 6* was Drax. I seriously lucked out with my second 6*....Masacre I love him
1. magneto
2. thor jane
3. night trasher
4. punisher 2099
5. Karnak
6. hulkbuster
7. mordo
8. nebula
My first 6* was Drax. I seriously lucked out with my second 6*....Masacre I love him
But at 3rd i got corvus, so yeah