So throughout the Rift I didn't even get even once..
Featured Crystal
1K 6*
10k 5*
Awakening Gem.
Luckily thanks to 10000 intel gift today I managed to buy chronometer and got awakening gem in the end.. but overall is there anyone sooo lucky as me who without chronometer didn't even get anything listed above πππ€£π€£π€£π.
Share your feelings, Just for Fun friends π
Featured Crystal
1K 6*
10k 5*
Awakening Gem.
Luckily thanks to 10000 intel gift today I managed to buy chronometer and got awakening gem in the end.. but overall is there anyone sooo lucky as me who without chronometer didn't even get anything listed above πππ€£π€£π€£π.
Share your feelings, Just for Fun friends π
-five star featured: superior iron man
-mystic awakening gem
-10k shards: antman
-other ranges of 5* shards: Omega Red and awakening beardo
-100 6* shards enough time to get me to my first 6* crystal: Nick Fury
-chronometer: got the tech gem I wanted for warlock
I must have pulled about 6 T2A, and a 5* Skill AG.
Then lots of 5* shards and I pulled Blade and Nick Fury back to back.
The extra intel got me another 10k 5* shards and I pulled a Silver Surfer.
Then I ran a few Master rifts and pulled a 5* Colossus from a legendary crystal.
Now I need resources to rank them all up lol.
featured: Dr. Strange
About 17000 5* shards- pulled sentinel and ghost Rider
1.2k or 2.2k 6* shards
Skill and mutant gem random
Mutant gem chronometer
9000 tb5 frag
10 sig stones
Prob other stuff I forgot
But from my all epic rifts I got:
1)6 feature 5* crystals.
2)Cosmic AG.
3)10K 5* Shards
4)2K 5* shards twice.
5)1 k 6* shards twice.
6)Sig stones only one time.
7)100 6* shards twice and some decent things.
I only got good things from rifts.