Dr Doom wasn't cycling through 6 star Nexus

Moreno3005Moreno3005 Member Posts: 24
Hi all,
Something weird happened and I want clarification from those that might know.

I waited for ages to open 2 x basic 6 star crystals and 1 x 6* Nexus as I was waiting for Dr Doom to be added to the pool. When I went to the basic crystals, the images of champions that cycles before you open\purchase the crystal, is generally indicative of the champions just added. Those showed the new champions added including Dr Doom.
My issue is that when I went to open the 6 * Nexus, it didn't show Dr Doom or the new champions, it was still showing the champs added when Elsa Bloodstone was added.

Is this correct? Has Dr Doom still been added even though he wasn't showing or do the new champs not get added to it as the crystal was earnt sometime prior? I have logged a support ticket and my first response from Kabam has been about drop rates. I replied clarifying what I meant.



  • AzKicker316AzKicker316 Member Posts: 2,514 ★★★★★
    Doom is in the basic 6 and has been pulled many times.

    As for the nexus, if you got that before he was added, I don't think he would be in there, regardless of the pictures that cycle through.
  • MikeyBoi69MikeyBoi69 Member Posts: 139
    The reel is just for entertainment purposes the champs you see in the reel dont actually mean anything
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    The nexus doesn’t even have a reel, and the reel is an animation only
  • Moreno3005Moreno3005 Member Posts: 24
    Lvernon15 said:

    The nexus doesn’t even have a reel, and the reel is an animation only

    na I was talking about the champion images before you hit the open crystal.

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