Last month vs this month

I'm uncollected.
Last month had 5 un-noded fights to clear rifts. I don't have a great roster, but was able to clear it regardless.
I earned 3 t2 alphas, 2 features 5 star crystals, and a cosmic awakening gem and other random stuff here and there.
THIS month has 7 fights that are difficult for end game players, so I'm forced to do master instead of epic. I'll end up getting 4500 5* shards and an awakening gem and that's pretty much it.
I can't buy 5* shards so theres really no expanding my roster this month.
Last month had 5 un-noded fights to clear rifts. I don't have a great roster, but was able to clear it regardless.
I earned 3 t2 alphas, 2 features 5 star crystals, and a cosmic awakening gem and other random stuff here and there.
THIS month has 7 fights that are difficult for end game players, so I'm forced to do master instead of epic. I'll end up getting 4500 5* shards and an awakening gem and that's pretty much it.
I can't buy 5* shards so theres really no expanding my roster this month.
This month's rewards is worst than worst
I was enoying past month rewards, rift quests were fun to do.
Modok quest doesn't even have good rewards
Seems like this month will go on with nothing
There is a notable lift in the difficulty of the side quest with Epic this month when compared with last month, when the rewards were arguably much better (albeit random). As such, I wont risk throwing revives away on the side quest, especially when the Uncollected options in the store are limited.
2. Now, it's more skill-based. Now people are complaining and saying that it's "too hard".
Well darling, that's what you asked for.
I remember when it took 6 months to save for 1 5* and it took me 2 years to get enough t4cc to rank one past rank 2.
Newer players have never had it better.
Mole man event i pulled 5 5*s with lots and lots of iso, last month i could only pull 1 5* and this month i cant a single one.
This is not what they design for developing and non-spending players.
Skill based hmmm....skill is there... where you can tackle Act6 crossbones with any bleed immune champ .....where you can tackle The grandmaster with 5/65 Cyclops or Jane foster...not where you bring 5/65 champs and still suffer....not where you can't intercept and can't hit their blocks and can't Dex ......
If you really have so called skill upload a video with some r3 or r4 5* where you take down the epic boss(solo).
Otherwise stop commenting your sarcasmic lines.