Do you guys really think the new content is being beta tested or not?

With chapter 5.3 and new AW released, do you guys think these content are beta tested or not? I just can't wrap my head around the idea that people enjoyed thoroughly these contents. Of course there are people that probably enjoyed the content but I just don't see all the beta testers saying everything was just like they expected and more.
Do you guys really think the new content is being beta tested or not? 114 votes
Wanted to drop in and say that we've made changes since the release of 5.3 due to the responses and feedback we received. We're always looking for that feedback for everything within the game.
Think the most important thing is to know how experianced and knowledgeable the beta testers are. Seatin made a video where he showed a Kabam employee playing absolutely horrible, if the beta testers are anything similar to that then yeah, we got a problem. I'm not sure Kabam ever made a statement in regards to who the beta testers would be (employees or from the community). Regardless, think there is a problem but many factors come into play in this
Thanks in advance.
Dr. Zola
They removed magik from 5.3, but instead put duped dorms in her place
99% of people will not believe you had beta tester for AW an if by some miracle you did then they need to be fired for incompetent an not knowing how this game works
Is there a thread describing these changes?
So someone who ran through this quest as soon as it was released got a different quest than what's currently available?
You want to see videos of Kabam employees playing? Lol, this would be interesting.
I wonder if a bunch of them are in the same alliance, if so where they rank, and how much they grind lol.
They have a "No Item" "No revive" policy in their alliance. Free to play
Probably wouldn't be in Kabam's best interest and they'd probably only allow access to those YTers who would never say anything bad about Kabam.
Dupe dorms sig level is now lowered compared to it was apparently
Is that what Vydious was talking about? I misread his statement that "we've made changes since the release of 5.3" to mean that changes had been made since the release of 5.3, not changes actually made to 5.3 before they released it. I was under the impression that the Magiks were removed from Day One of 5.3.
Dr. Zola