Map 6 costs are about to spike for 6-5-5 players. Kabam promised an update. Any news?

If you’re in a 6-5-5 alliance, your 8-day donations have been 130k-7k-9k. Starting next week, map 6 players in those groups have to pay 170k-20k-16k, and Kabam removed an extra 100k+ from rewards.
Kabam promised some news to try to salvage this situation for mixed map alliances (a great feature that Kabam promoted when they made it).
We are on the brink of this new system, and it seems like there need to either be more free maps or discounted entry for affected players. This subset of the player base is taking a huge hit, and it’s damaging to the health of alliances if Kabam doesn’t give some idea of what to expect (even a timetable on when to expect something...)
Kabam promised some news to try to salvage this situation for mixed map alliances (a great feature that Kabam promoted when they made it).
We are on the brink of this new system, and it seems like there need to either be more free maps or discounted entry for affected players. This subset of the player base is taking a huge hit, and it’s damaging to the health of alliances if Kabam doesn’t give some idea of what to expect (even a timetable on when to expect something...)
This is where Kabam Mike specifically said they were working on a solution until August. It's time to hear it if the ticket system is live with the next aq.
It deserves some sort of update.
-The 170k-20k-16k is per 8 days not per week.
(148k-17.5k-14k is the average weekly equivalent)
It’s still more then it was - but not that much.
While waiting for a permanent fix from Kabam. You could rotate players running the map 6 bg to even out the cost over time.
Or take the opportunity to make a push with 6-6-6.
Or go 5-5-5 for a few weeks.
Adopting to the change one way or another seems healthier then worrying about 33% of the alliance having to pay 18k-10.5k-5k more per week.
Here is how it's supposed to break down. You come out on top by about 16k.
@Kabam Miike or @Kabam Zibiit said there would be an update regarding some sort of bandaid to get us to August. I hope we can at least get a “we’ll be in touch early next week” or something...
Easy fix: adjust ticket prices in the interim. If you’re worried about hoarding, apply the discount only to the first 25 tickets bought with each resource.
Harder but equitable fix: announce some sort of giveback for mixed map alliances that’ll be finalized when distributed costs go live.