Kabam, The Downtime's and "Unexpected Maintenance" Needs A Solution ASAP....

Kabam should compensate. The last few shutdowns and "planned closures" are b.s and Kabam just put that in a yellow bar down the bottom of your screen for the unplanned ones so that they don't have to compensate. This is just getting petty as many of us high tier players are outraged by these inconveniences. EG. many alliances' aq was disrupted along with people who experienced extended downtimes during the attack phase of aw. This has caused a loss for our team as the opponents were situated in the northern hemisphere where the downtime didn't effect them at all. I highly suggest @Kabam to do something about this coz it's not lookin good for them. Especially considering that this month's side quest and store has been disappointing. I've been a player for over 3 years now and It's safe to say MCOC has seen better days....
Emergency maintenance is completely different. They can't help when that happens. They get an alert and they have to take care of it. Yes it sucks but I can tell you it sucks for them as much as it sucks for us.
Scheduled maintenance has been the same time for going on 6 years now. It really shouldn't be something people complain about at this point.