Vulture raptor stike doesnt work correctly and he cant deal extra damage with sp2 buff
Hi there, i noticed some bugs with vulture
1 - when he has syphon charge buff and thermal feedback active, he doesnt deal extra damage when oponent gains power.
2 - When he has 50 energy, he didnt power drain the oponent
3 - There are two equal situations where power drains works in one situation and doesnt work in another one( in both i have 50 energy or more. ( At 12 seconds happens the situation where it doesnt power drain, and at 24 seconds it power drains) this bug might be because of the bug number 2.
I couldnt send the videos without putting in .rar
1 - when he has syphon charge buff and thermal feedback active, he doesnt deal extra damage when oponent gains power.
2 - When he has 50 energy, he didnt power drain the oponent
3 - There are two equal situations where power drains works in one situation and doesnt work in another one( in both i have 50 energy or more. ( At 12 seconds happens the situation where it doesnt power drain, and at 24 seconds it power drains) this bug might be because of the bug number 2.
I couldnt send the videos without putting in .rar
video of vulture not dealing bonus damage when has both buffs
videos of vulture not power draining correctly
I know to power drain vulture must be dashing back and dashing forward immediately, but in both situations in video he dash back, pauses and then intercept both at 95 hits it doesnt power drains and at 100 he does
In your first 2 videos, I'm not seeing much that tells me there's a bug. If there was a bug, I'd say it was in the first video at the 100 hit mark where the power drain triggered. To me, it doesn't look like it should trigger in that instance.
My best guess? I think you're doing some form of "medium intercept". A light intercept is a pretty common dash back, baiting the enemy to follow you, and throwing out a quick light attack when they do. A medium intercept is the same, except its a medium attack instead of a light. However, medium attacks behave a little differently than light attacks because medium attacks will attack immediately if you're close to the opponent but you'll dash in to the enemy when you're far away.
A raptor strike needs both a back dash and an immediate forward dash followed by a medium attack to trigger. The easiest way to use this technique with Vulture is to land a parry and while they're stunned, dash back and then forward to drain their power. When I do it this way, it works as intended every time. In the first two videos, it's very tough to register in all cases if you have both a back dash and a forward dash component when you're expecting to see a power drain. The game may be a bit fickle with this, similar to how Ghost can phase intercept after the first hit of a combo but it won't count as an intercept if she counters after the second hit is phased. In your case, I think the medium attack doesn't have enough of a dash component to register as a raptor strike in those instances where you're not seeing power drain. I don't really see a true bug here.
I did test your third video and found that you are correct. When I place a Thermal Feedback debuff by itself, I can power burn the opponent for extra damage on each hit. When I place a Siphon Charge debuff while the Thermal Feedback debuff is still active, the power burn mechanic is not working and I'm no longer dealing extra damage. This is almost certainly a bug. Good find.
Can a mod take a look at the interaction between Siphon Charge and Thermal Feedback debuffs?
As u Said, on the first vídeo the power drain is weird because i dont dash forward immediately after dashing back and power drains. But at 95 hits i do the same thing and it doesnt power drain. I think it has something wrong with raptor strike and with triggering raptor strike when vulture is at 50 energy
Also the buffs bug sucks, especially now with Tigra sinergy, makes having both buffs up all the time
I think you misunderstood my comment about the first video. I don't think it's weird that you didn't get the power drain on the first attempt. I think it's weird you DID get the power drain on the second attempt (hit 100). At hit 100, I didn't see a back dash. If it was there, it was very subtle.
The overlapping debuffs does look like a bug and it should be fixed for sure.