He's worse than most of Cosmic class, but not fully useless. I mean, he's better than Both Groots, Black Spidey, Superior Iron man and OG cap/miss Marvel, maybe he's on the same level as Kamala and Drax. I think all other Cosmics are better than him. If u have Cosmics other than mentioned AND IF U ENJOY PLAYING THEM MORE THAN BLACK BOLT (its the most important thing in the game), level up them instead.
He's basically a placeholder in a synergy team at the moment. He's poison immune with reliable stun and armour break; so you can make use of him; he's just a lot less helpful than most later Cosmic champions.
If he gets Awakened (don't even think about using a Gem on him!) he can combine permanent Fury effects with Poison Immunity, which makes him useful against those rare opponents with Caustic Temper.
He's basically a placeholder in a synergy team at the moment. He's poison immune with reliable stun and armour break; so you can make use of him; he's just a lot less helpful than most later Cosmic champions.
If he gets Awakened (don't even think about using a Gem on him!) he can combine permanent Fury effects with Poison Immunity, which makes him useful against those rare opponents with Caustic Temper.
Would awakened BB be a option against 6.2 Sinister?
Many cosmic champs better than Blackbolt.
If he gets Awakened (don't even think about using a Gem on him!) he can combine permanent Fury effects with Poison Immunity, which makes him useful against those rare opponents with Caustic Temper.