Well, he was my first R5 4 star, but i replaced him with Cap IW, but that doesn't mean he's awful, just not as good as Cap. He's really good and if you want to use the seatin beyond god tier thing and god tier thing: He's beyond god tier with champs that are mystic or deal energy damage, he just melts them, one of the best mystic and energy slayers, and we're just seeing more and more of that in the content. He's also beyond god tier if he has his pre-fight ability on. He's god tier if ur versing a non mystic or energy champ, but u need high skill and need to charge up his heavies to 20 temperature for the god tier damage. The Thing synergy helps a lot (basically the F4 synergy) and his little buff also rlly helped. So, yes, in general, he is a top tier champ! Congrats!
I view him a bit the same as Sym Supreme, which is a recent thread
for the right match up, there arent many if any champs who are as effective as him, i've got mine at R5... he's got a bit more general usability than Sym because he has more "right matchups" but its one of those cases we're in the right match up, no one is better
HT was my first 6* Rank 2 and he kicks multiple ass i think. Even if its not hes perfect matchup i use him more than often. And when you got the right matchup he's even better.
Sym sup is way more niche champ than HT is i think. And he's a lot of fun to play.
He’s somewhat matchup specific, I’d say 75% of fights he’s not going to be doing much, but for the whole mystic class, most regen champs and also energy damage chanps he is almost always a top 3 pick
It’s not just all the time usefulness. It’s what they are useful for or what they can do, how often they are useful, and what content they are useful in as a key counter, and overall general level of use you will have of the champ.
HT is the best mystic counter, best counter for some of the hardest bosses in the game, best counter for some endgame nodes and a key person for the abyss.
He has regen reversal and immunity as well as being extremely useful in many matchups and awesome burst potential when flamed on.
I put him in the god tier for sure. Is he above cap IW to me no. Is he above void to me yes. Reason is there are situations I’ll take HT into content over cap IW. I won’t take void into content over either of the 2 as I am not a fan of play style and I think the other 2 do what he does better.
In addition to his utility and damage potential in the right match up he's also a lot of fun to play. CAIW is great, no argument, but some times I get bored with parry/heavy (repeat) the sp2 ( repeat). He's great, so much utility and can hit very hard, but I find him less fun to play than Torch. Since this is a game fun means a lot to me. That's just my own experience and opinion. Clearly others may find CAIW just as much fun or not care as long as they win. That's ok, just not enough for me at this point.
I have him unduped as a 6* r3 and have absolutely no regrets about it. He saved me countless units in revives during act 6 exploration. Yes, he has certain matchups that show his maximum potential, but he is FAR from bad outside of those matchups. Just throw sp3s to build smolders if it’s a long fight or use his Thing synergy if you have him (this also makes Thing ramp up way faster for offense).
He’s a staple of my AW offense as well, carving through tricky encounters like Guilly 2099, IMIW, or countless other Flow troublemakers that would normally take at least one death on miniboss nodes.
His nova flame will pretty much destroys anybody. That's what makes him great to me, yeah it's nice to steamroll mystics too, but the nova flame prefight is where he shines against anybody.
His nova flame will pretty much destroys anybody. That's what makes him great to me, yeah it's nice to steamroll mystics too, but the nova flame prefight is where he shines against anybody.
Agreed, he is one of the best counters to Human torch with his Pre-fight, and also tears apart Iceman with it. His damage isn't the most prominent, but he makes up for it with insane utility
He's beyond god tier with champs that are mystic or deal energy damage, he just melts them, one of the best mystic and energy slayers, and we're just seeing more and more of that in the content. He's also beyond god tier if he has his pre-fight ability on.
He's god tier if ur versing a non mystic or energy champ, but u need high skill and need to charge up his heavies to 20 temperature for the god tier damage. The Thing synergy helps a lot (basically the F4 synergy) and his little buff also rlly helped.
So, yes, in general, he is a top tier champ! Congrats!
HT was my first 6* Rank 2 and he kicks multiple ass i think. Even if its not hes perfect matchup i use him more than often. And when you got the right matchup he's even better.
Sym sup is way more niche champ than HT is i think. And he's a lot of fun to play.
It’s not just all the time usefulness. It’s what they are useful for or what they can do, how often they are useful, and what content they are useful in as a key counter, and overall general level of use you will have of the champ.
HT is the best mystic counter, best counter for some of the hardest bosses in the game, best counter for some endgame nodes and a key person for the abyss.
He has regen reversal and immunity as well as being extremely useful in many matchups and awesome burst potential when flamed on.
I put him in the god tier for sure. Is he above cap IW to me no. Is he above void to me yes. Reason is there are situations I’ll take HT into content over cap IW. I won’t take void into content over either of the 2 as I am not a fan of play style and I think the other 2 do what he does better.
He’s a staple of my AW offense as well, carving through tricky encounters like Guilly 2099, IMIW, or countless other Flow troublemakers that would normally take at least one death on miniboss nodes.