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Looking for new ally, UK based prefered

200K player, active every day, but not mega-active! Its a game. I do what I can, but not high temp do do do do this ally please. Im NOT a boss killer, I try my best, but to be honest im pretty poo. Just letting you know in advance. I have 4 x 4* R5s, will have 3 more by end of next month. Think about 15 R4s as well. Not sure my prestige, but my top 4 are R5 Sig 99 Magik, R5 Duped Iceman, R5 Wolvie and R5 Ultron. Have 5 x 5*s as well

Im friendly, try to help, will use line now and again if needed (not daily though). Always contribute, always in AQ and AW as well

One thing, I like playing around with characters on AW map to see what each node does, so would need to be an officer, plus im good at motivating the others as well!

UK based, which is the only reason im thinking of leaving my fantastic current ally. Most of them are USA based and by the time I wake up most of AW and AQ is done and I feel like im not pulling my weight

Basically looking for a relaxed ally to have a laugh with and play the game


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