Looking for 9k prestige or higher players

Hey Hollow here from The Vault.

Let’s be honest here. This game is **** and the only thing that makes it fun is a good team. That’s what we have at the Vault. We don’t talk politics or show each other our wangs. Instead we help each other get better at the game.

I’m a dad like most people here, so we always have our wives and kids nagging us. So when we go take a fake **** and play some MCOC we want to make sure that things are coming out smooth. I’m not just talking about the poop, I’m talking about AQ.

We have a smooth organized AQ map6 schedule. We play 3 war groups and shoot for G1-2 each season.

We are low stress. Just login do your part and enjoy your day. Funny memes are also welcome. If this sounds like a good place to you then give me a message on line app

My name is Hollowbandit on line app

I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

Take it easy


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