Who should I rank????????

xXEmeraldArcherxXEmeraldArcher Member Posts: 26
I am cav. The main content I need to do are the variants and the labyrinth and abyss. Also the monthly eq. Every sig stone I get is going into Aegon currently.

Who should I rank???????? 38 votes

R4 5* Blade sig 40
Dsp25Ab_SamadGAMEOVERJameslegend_slayer15 4 votes
R4 5* void sig 200
FR33_HUG5Dr_Z01dbergKill_GreyCarossyUsername19273dicdatorPřìņče01Doctor_Strange19 8 votes
R4 5* aegon sig 50
Timone147Lvernon15Anonymous346RoOOtsZombieZeddThatOneMasterGamerGiulioV99Dead1AmbjonyPotatolegionDnegrin6969King_Leo321StellanPlinkoOmedennCornflake04SpideyFunkoLucifer1810PrincenayarwMrGreek 22 votes
R1 6* IW Cap not duped
Bpn88855Slayerzz 2 votes
R1 6* symbiote supreme
Andyball270Lucasjones98 2 votes


  • King_Leo321King_Leo321 Member Posts: 1,211 ★★★
    edited July 2020
    R4 5* aegon sig 50
    Aegon and easy completion of labrynth and Variant 3.I did V 3 completion with Aegon myself.Try to get him to 70 sig level as quickly as you can cause he is a free to ticket to cavalier as well.
  • xXEmeraldArcherxXEmeraldArcher Member Posts: 26

    Aegon and easy completion of labrynth and Variant 3.I did V 3 completion with Aegon myself.Try to get him to 70 sig level as quickly as you can cause he is a free to ticket to cavalier as well.

    I just dumped some units into cav lol. I'm using every sig stone on aegon till hes maxed lol
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