Champion rank down

I think summoners would love if they had the ability to rank down their champs whenever they want and get the catalysts back that they used on the particular champion so that they could use them on some other champ.
We as summoners sometimes rankup the wrong champion and regret the decision later, so I think it would be really helpful if we got to rank down the champion of our choice for atleast once a month, I mean catalysts are a very important part of the in game resources.
I personally did rank up a few champions in the past and now I find them of no use and wish I still had the catalysts spent.
So please make this happen and we would be really happy.


  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    You must be new to the forum. Welcome. Don't ever post this again.
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  • MitriaxMitriax Member Posts: 215 ★★

    I think summoners would love if they had the ability to rank down their champs whenever they want and get the catalysts back that they used on the particular champion so that they could use them on some other champ.
    We as summoners sometimes rankup the wrong champion and regret the decision later, so I think it would be really helpful if we got to rank down the champion of our choice for atleast once a month, I mean catalysts are a very important part of the in game resources.
    I personally did rank up a few champions in the past and now I find them of no use and wish I still had the catalysts spent.
    So please make this happen and we would be really happy.

  • tdtfugcyrdtdtfugcyrd Member Posts: 35
    Maybe you don't Mitriax I do and I think a lot more summoners do
    And please say you need this in the comments so that the game team can notice it andake it happen
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

    Maybe you don't Mitriax I do and I think a lot more summoners do
    And please say you need this in the comments so that the game team can notice it andake it happen

    Nope. This wouldn't be fair to the people who bought resources such as catalysts to put into their champions.
  • PotatolegionPotatolegion Member Posts: 290 ★★
    Maybe a limited time rank down event, but this... no, just no.
  • Pancake_FacePancake_Face Member Posts: 1,390 ★★★★

    I think summoners would love if they had the ability to rank down their champs whenever they want and get the catalysts back that they used on the particular champion so that they could use them on some other champ.
    We as summoners sometimes rankup the wrong champion and regret the decision later, so I think it would be really helpful if we got to rank down the champion of our choice for atleast once a month, I mean catalysts are a very important part of the in game resources.
    I personally did rank up a few champions in the past and now I find them of no use and wish I still had the catalysts spent.
    So please make this happen and we would be really happy.

    ya, Kabam has said they will never do it. Are u new to the game? a while back rank down tickets was a thing but they took them out.
  • tdtfugcyrdtdtfugcyrd Member Posts: 35

    Maybe a limited time rank down event, but this... no, just no.

    Well I wouldn't mind a limited time rankdown event
    The event must let us rankdown as many champs as possible for free or atleast a few champs like atleast 5 champs
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,784 ★★★★★

    I think summoners would love if they had the ability to rank down their champs whenever they want and get the catalysts back that they used on the particular champion so that they could use them on some other champ.
    We as summoners sometimes rankup the wrong champion and regret the decision later, so I think it would be really helpful if we got to rank down the champion of our choice for atleast once a month, I mean catalysts are a very important part of the in game resources.
    I personally did rank up a few champions in the past and now I find them of no use and wish I still had the catalysts spent.
    So please make this happen and we would be really happy.

    ya, Kabam has said they will never do it. Are u new to the game? a while back rank down tickets was a thing but they took them out.
    Awhile back = Xmas 2017. After that it was shehulk RDTs.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,784 ★★★★★

    Maybe a limited time rank down event, but this... no, just no.

    Well I wouldn't mind a limited time rankdown event
    The event must let us rankdown as many champs as possible for free or atleast a few champs like atleast 5 champs
    Live with your choices. Rank down tickets defeats the purpose of managing your resources and going out and earning more.
  • tdtfugcyrdtdtfugcyrd Member Posts: 35

    I think summoners would love if they had the ability to rank down their champs whenever they want and get the catalysts back that they used on the particular champion so that they could use them on some other champ.
    We as summoners sometimes rankup the wrong champion and regret the decision later, so I think it would be really helpful if we got to rank down the champion of our choice for atleast once a month, I mean catalysts are a very important part of the in game resources.
    I personally did rank up a few champions in the past and now I find them of no use and wish I still had the catalysts spent.
    So please make this happen and we would be really happy.

    ya, Kabam has said they will never do it. Are u new to the game? a while back rank down tickets was a thing but they took them out.
    Awhile back = Xmas 2017. After that it was shehulk RDTs.
    That was cause they nerfed her
  • Eternal_Tripod83Eternal_Tripod83 Member Posts: 84
    If you could rank down anytime you would only ever need enough resources for 5 champs. Swap out the team, rank down and back up. That’s a bad idea.
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