Free To Play Rewards

I think it would be dope in the future if they did a calendar only for free to play players, right now we have Summoner Appreciation, but in the future it’d be a nice lil reward to all of us who know how to go the distance managing a FTP account. Not complaining about not getting free rewards, but it’d be cool.
A.) Spenders do get an advantage, which I thought would be blatantly obvious after this weekend. They blew everyone’s mind with the bonuses, if that isn’t the very definition of “ravishing” idk what is.
B.) I’ve been playing since 2015 and until late 2019, I feel as if (naturally) spenders have an unfair advantage and it makes the progress I make insignificant if someone can spend money to get as far as I have in 5 years in a matter of months.
C.) Monthly calendars are for all players, whilst I understand their intent with it, still doesn’t feel like it’s specifically for FTP players. Seems as more of an incentive program for playing
I’m not trying to undermine what they’ve done especially recently with the SA calendar, Cavalier difficulty around the corner and all the changes, but there’s still a small part of me that feels neglected, especially when we have all put so much time and effort into trying to keep up with spenders. I don’t want some crazy calendar with rewards that’ll change everything about my account, but maybe a small unit calendar or something that makes me feel like they see us and are watching out for us as players.
B ) You also have to take into account that progression nowadays is faster than it's been in earlier years. Also, refer back to A.
C ) Why do F2P players deserve anything more than they're given right now? Why should they be compensated extra? Why should P2P players be at a disadvantage because they chose to give their support?
D ) How the hell would Kabam implement this? It's never going to happen.
This makes F2P players look bad.
F2P is a choice- spend if you want the extra stuff. That’s how life works. If you don’t have the money, then content yourself with what you’ve got, or get on the real life grind to be able to afford what you want.
Kabam wants money, and f2p are essentially homeless freeloaders. You’ll get a sandwich when Kabam feels like being generous and throwing you a bone.
I don’t like it any more than you, but it’s the way the world spins. Money talks, and without spending your voice is whimper.
You want units? Grind arena. Do you go into wal-mart and not buy anything and ask them to give you free stuff? They built a game you can play for free which they could easily charge for but that's not the goal. They are watching out for you by allowing it to stay free. Get over your entitlement.