now that we know diversity points stay... should we have rank down tickets?



  • PrettyHatMachinePrettyHatMachine Member Posts: 17
    Tickets just aren't enough for this. All defenders except miniboss nodes are easier than ever and the ko's they get are meaningless.

    This interaction was the closest thing we had to pvp in this game and it's been crapped on. Attack phase is all we get for pvp now and why should I care about rolling through 95% of the nodes when they've been so trivialized?

    The defenders I've grinder arena for along with mystic dispersion are now taking a backseat in the interest of this forced diversity because kabam can't grow beyond these simplistic game mechanics to encourage real choice.
  • SandwychJonesSandwychJones Member Posts: 9
    R4GE wrote: »
    R4GE wrote: »
    Meant to vote No. Small phone, big thumbs.
    RDTs are not for changes to content. No matter who you Ranked, they still perform the same. The Champs haven't changed at all.
    Yeah, let me know how many people in your alliances used 7 t4cc and t2 alphas to rank up Juggs. Now to be a pushover and yield no diversity in the alliance

    Doesn't matter. Whether you used him for War, Questing, or the Arena, Juggs still functions the same. They don't give Tickets for changes to content because content can change at any time. They would constantly be giving Tickets. That's not what they're for. They're for changes to the Champs themselves. There's no such thing as wasting Resources to Rank anyone, from a progression standpoint, and that's what the game is all about. Not having the most popular Roster for your content all the time. It's about Ranking everything to grow. Some people are selective and only want the "best". That's entirely up to how they want to play. However, the team is not responsible for giving Tickets everytime something new is added. The Champs haven't changed at all. Just the most popular use for them.

    Where on the Poll did you see the question "Does Kabam only give RDT's for changes to champs?" Thats not the poll here, we are aware of how and why we originally got them. Its a question as to whether or not the community feels they deserve them, not Kabams standing on RDT's. You have said your opinion, move on. You are not in the same scenario and your logic is flawed highly to say champs still serve the same purpose in the game.

    It's not my opinion. It's their stance, and it's been given many times.

    So why not give your opinion? Imagine this forum if everyone quoted the (somebody get me a word for Kabam+Koran) back and forth at each other?
    Kabam DOES want to hear from players

    I believe that would be the Kabamoran
  • WOKWOK Member Posts: 468 ★★
    edited September 2017
    I voted No with this point of view.
    #1 we get RDT's
    #2 following the current trend of things, something else will be "updated" soon after to "level the RDT's", which could possibly lead to more issues and bugs adding to the ones already in existence and not corrected.
    #3 Im already up to my neck with the abundance of issues and bugs and dont care to have to endure more.
    #4 RDT will end up being a cosmetic solution to all the underlying problems.

    As I've expresssed in another thread, I'm with the school of thought that the Bigger issues need to be fixed in order for the smaller ones to ever be fixed correctly. If not, just constantly putting a bandaid on a wound could eventually lead to an incurable infection.
  • yes
    I'm usually not one to complain or say "Wheres my free stuff!" I understand how hard it must be to change content and keep everyone happy. Having said that, I can not understand in what world anyone would think the function of our champions hasn't changed. Each month we get 2 new champions, one seems to be geared towards defense, one offense. Even kabam knows when they design champs they are meant to be stronger for one purpose or the other. Does anyone really attack with a Mordo? Is anyone R4 a 5* OG spidey to quest with? No. Thse decisions were made for one purpose. That purpose is now a negative. Which is fine. Alot of us are open to change, however with as rare as T2a are we should be given the chance to adjust. Shoot, im not even saying it should be free. Sell them for units. But its hard not to look at a bunch of ranks on the roster you made for the team and not feel like you just got punched in the gut. Change can be great, just allow us to change with you.
  • WOKWOK Member Posts: 468 ★★
    I'm usually not one to complain or say "Wheres my free stuff!" I understand how hard it must be to change content and keep everyone happy. Having said that, I can not understand in what world anyone would think the function of our champions hasn't changed. Each month we get 2 new champions, one seems to be geared towards defense, one offense. Even kabam knows when they design champs they are meant to be stronger for one purpose or the other. Does anyone really attack with a Mordo? Is anyone R4 a 5* OG spidey to quest with? No. Thse decisions were made for one purpose. That purpose is now a negative. Which is fine. Alot of us are open to change, however with as rare as T2a are we should be given the chance to adjust. Shoot, im not even saying it should be free. Sell them for units. But its hard not to look at a bunch of ranks on the roster you made for the team and not feel like you just got punched in the gut. Change can be great, just allow us to change with you.

    Couldnt agree with you more. I for one feel the "lockdown" of champs being ranked is highly player unfriendly. Why not lockdown masteries along with rank ups then??

    OR, why not give us an option to unrank champs at a reasonable cost without loss of resources already invested? At face value, seems like its something that could work......

  • STShortySTShorty Member Posts: 102
    People who are saying NO aren't looking at the whole picture. Champions are ranked specifically for different purposes. I myself have ranked specifically Black panther CW, Dormammu, and Mordo for AW defense. Other then arena they do not get used for anything else. The fact that diversity is being introduced into the game and is being used as a key part to AW defense I can not utilize them without getting into a fight with an Alliance mate over who is bringing their's to war. This makes it very difficult when we established a specific team for war and now being told change it up or you will lose. So why shouldn't RDT be given out to fix this? Now some may be asking for crazy amounts and I do not agree with that, but maybe 2 of each.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 13,949 ★★★★★
    STShorty wrote: »
    People who are saying NO aren't looking at the whole picture. Champions are ranked specifically for different purposes. I myself have ranked specifically Black panther CW, Dormammu, and Mordo for AW defense. Other then arena they do not get used for anything else. The fact that diversity is being introduced into the game and is being used as a key part to AW defense I can not utilize them without getting into a fight with an Alliance mate over who is bringing their's to war. This makes it very difficult when we established a specific team for war and now being told change it up or you will lose. So why shouldn't RDT be given out to fix this? Now some may be asking for crazy amounts and I do not agree with that, but maybe 2 of each.

    Imagine if you were an admin. How would you discover which champs were specifically ranked up for defense in each player account?
    You can't. It'e impossible since EVERY champ was ranked for defense, either in small alliances or big alliances. Even spider-gwen was affected.
    So RDT's can't be given in this case since no specific champ was affected. Remembering that generic RDT's aren't coming back
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,501 ★★★★★
    CoquiFongo wrote: »
    R4GE wrote: »
    I finally had to block that guy. He's in an alliance with a 400 war rating and constantly argues AW against the community -sigh-

    Where did you see he is in a 400 war rating alliance? And yes I agree, that does affect someones opinion on this issue. It is the same as someone who has never driven a car in a major city discussing traffic jams.

    Also as for the topic, I am torn between RDTs and not having them. While I agree that the game should be 1 direction, you rank, who you rank, and don't look back. Part of me also agrees that with major changes to the game it affects how champions are utilized. For example I was torn between using a Generic on Dormamu or Mordo and taking them both to 5/50 for war but now thats not needed since my alliance mates have them. While I am glad I didn't, I would be upset if I had.

    And yes the game is about progression and ranking up champions, but MR. GW its not all about ranking everyone as soon as you get them, that is a waste of materials and planning. Hence why I have enough mats to R4 two 5 Stars but I won't because they will not change my PI or team, so why waste the mats.

    -Aerial Ignorance signing off.

    PS I still think we should be asking for more materials to rank champions instead of switching them, but something needs to be addressed about all of the alliances with 10x Magiks, Juggs, NC, Mordos, and Spiders collecting dust now in our accounts.. And don't say Glory since those T2s are an insult.

    I've never shared my Profile. The fact is where someone is at in War has nothing to do with the discussion. This is an Open Forum. People have debates and theoretical discussions. We are not separated by Rank. It's perfectly fine to feel proud of where one is at in the game. It's another to try and use it to muscle people out of a conversation. Shaming people about where they are and are not at in the game is actually against TOS. It's not an appropriate way to have a conversation. All it achieves is negativity and judgment from others. People deserve equal respect in a conversation regardless of what their Ally or Profile Ratings are.
  • WOKWOK Member Posts: 468 ★★
    @GroundedWisdom , you've repeated all too many times, worded creatively the 1 reason RDT's were specifically created for, quoting Kabams announcements to the letter each time someone gives their reasons why they feel it is warranted.

    Some reasons are similar yes, but there are a handful that differ and IMO very valid. Is it not the intent of these forums and polls to cast some different perspectives from different players to voice their opinions on changes that may be needed?

    Since when did "Rules or Reasons put forth" on a given situation become set in stone to as be "untouchable" to scrutiny and not welcome to consideration for revision?? Especially with the undeniable fact that we are constantly faced with changes in content which IMO highly outweighs the importance of changes/non changes made to individual champs.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,501 ★★★★★
    edited September 2017
    WOK wrote: »
    @GroundedWisdom , you've repeated all too many times, worded creatively the 1 reason RDT's were specifically created for, quoting Kabams announcements to the letter each time someone gives their reasons why they feel it is warranted.

    Some reasons are similar yes, but there are a handful that differ and IMO very valid. Is it not the intent of these forums and polls to cast some different perspectives from different players to voice their opinions on changes that may be needed?

    Since when did "Rules or Reasons put forth" on a given situation become set in stone to as be "untouchable" to scrutiny and not welcome to consideration for revision?? Especially with the undeniable fact that we are constantly faced with changes in content which IMO highly outweighs the importance of changes/non changes made to individual champs.

    Since they've already given their official word on the subject multiple times, both in general and in response to the War System changes.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,501 ★★★★★
    It's also been given for the subject of 6*s. The Tickets are only intended for changes to the Champs specifically.
  • WOKWOK Member Posts: 468 ★★
    WOK wrote: »

    Since they've already given their official word on the subject multiple times, both in general and in response to the War System changes.

    So in essence what you are stating is that it is in fact written in stone and cannot be subject for reevaluation considering the current situation,nor future situations as well?

    Which would also imply that there is no use of the forums for suggestions and requests and its merely a shell category?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,501 ★★★★★
    What I'm saying is it's brought up enough times to know the response now. What people post is entirely up to them. I'm not censoring what people say. I am reiterating the fact that they're not giving Tickets for content changes.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,501 ★★★★★
    CoquiFongo wrote: »
    What I'm saying is it's brought up enough times to know the response now. What people post is entirely up to them. I'm not censoring what people say. I am reiterating the fact that they're not giving Tickets for content changes.

    Thank you for reiterating Kabam's stance on RDTs. Now since WE ALL KNOW your fact/opinion please move on and stop repeating yourself. As you just said this is an open forum and people want to have a discussion and not be hounded.

    Since you clearly choose not to respond to any of the points I and many others have made in this discussion you are a distraction and not an addition.

    -Aerial Ignorance

    I've responded to the points made. What you mean is since I don't agree that they should be given I should leave the conversation. That's not probable.
  • BigDaddyJoeBigDaddyJoe Member Posts: 357 ★★
    Absolutely rank down tickets should be available. You know how many people have ranked specific champs just for war defense. Some of us have waited months to get enough CC's just for that purpose then to throw all that out the window because they change the game dynamics is crazy. Anytime a major overhaul of the two major components of the game (AQ/AW) is changed I think that's the right thing to do with making it right. If I knew diversity was going to be a part of our alliance wars I would have used my resources on different champs.
  • bigredfella101bigredfella101 Member Posts: 13
    It is bloody frustrating when you grind and work hard to get champs who are great for defence and then you get slapped with the fact that they are completely useless now and all you hard work has gone out the window. So yes I think rank down gems or some form of compensation would be in order.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,501 ★★★★★
    edited September 2017
    Heywood wrote: »
    It's also been given for the subject of 6*s. The Tickets are only intended for changes to the Champs specifically.

    Who cares what their intent was. They changed war scoring to a point where having 2 of the same 5/50 champ on defense yields less points than placing 2 different 2* champs in the game.

    We wasted resources because of this change.

    Rank down tickets seem like an appropriate response because of these changes.

    That or fix the war scoring so diversity doesn't count as much.

    That's my whole point. I don't agree that it warrants Tickets because they changed War. Not the Champs themselves. If people Ranked for War alone, that's entirely up to them, but the Champs are still the same. Just because the War Nodes are no longer there doesn't mean the Champ is useless. That's just an opinion. The reason I keep reiterating what the Mods have said is because I agree with it. Changes to the content are not reasons for Tickets. The Tickets are the exact opposite of what the game is all about, which is why they would only bring them back in specific cases where the Champ is altered. They can't give Tickets based on who uses what for what. Whether people agree or not, the Champs still work the same without Defense Nodes. There's no such thing as wasted Ranking.
  • R4GER4GE Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★★
    Why does that guy always comment with Kabams views? Not all threads are asking what Kabams views are, we are well aware of their standing. Its a matter of what the community feels is right and justified, even if they know it's something they want that will never happen. Let people talk and just STFU
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,501 ★★★★★
    WOK wrote: »
    @GroundedWisdom , you've repeated all too many times, worded creatively the 1 reason RDT's were specifically created for, quoting Kabams announcements to the letter each time someone gives their reasons why they feel it is warranted.

    Some reasons are similar yes, but there are a handful that differ and IMO very valid. Is it not the intent of these forums and polls to cast some different perspectives from different players to voice their opinions on changes that may be needed?

    Since when did "Rules or Reasons put forth" on a given situation become set in stone to as be "untouchable" to scrutiny and not welcome to consideration for revision?? Especially with the undeniable fact that we are constantly faced with changes in content which IMO highly outweighs the importance of changes/non changes made to individual champs.

    Let's put it another way. I'm not debating whether people create Polls or have discussions on things. What they do in the Forum is not mine to enforce. I'm addressing the subject, and that is what happens in a debate.
    So, let's say hypothetically they do give them. When does it stop? If they introduce a Bleed Immune Node in some area of the game, do we ask for Tickets for Wolverine or BP? If they create a Stun Immune Node in let's say, 5.4, do people expect the Tickets to Rank Down Thor? People are free to Rank whoever they want for whatever reasons. Besides the fact that they're not intended for content, there's no way to stop the argument for them. Content is constantly added and adjusted. We can't expect to have a free way to adjust our Rosters whenever that happens. Not when there is a value to those Resources. People have to Rank who they choose for whatever reason they choose and go from there. Whether they Ranked them for War or not, they've still had the ability to use the Champ in any area they wish, at that Rank. It's the idea that people are owed them that doesn't make sense to me. The crux of the issue is the changes to War, and how people feel slighted. I don't judge how others feel. I address the logic in arguments for or against things.
  • sbb75sbb75 Member Posts: 208
    They will not leave both the scoring and nodes as is. The top tier defenders have brought in a lot of revenue on health and revive pots. Kabam will keep changing AW until defender kills count in their bank account.
    With or without rank down resources are NOT going into diverse trash 4* r5 champs. People will just use the cats and ISO on the 5* versions of the same group of AW Defender all stars.
  • sbb75sbb75 Member Posts: 208
    The "yes" voters are asking for kabam to upgrade the champs that kill us the most from the 4* version to the 5* version.
    5 minibosses 5* r4 Spidey, NC, Dorm, Hyp, Magikz etc... Please get rid of this poll
  • SnizzbarSnizzbar Member Posts: 2,169 ★★★★★
    WOK wrote: »
    @GroundedWisdom , you've repeated all too many times, worded creatively the 1 reason RDT's were specifically created for, quoting Kabams announcements to the letter each time someone gives their reasons why they feel it is warranted.

    Some reasons are similar yes, but there are a handful that differ and IMO very valid. Is it not the intent of these forums and polls to cast some different perspectives from different players to voice their opinions on changes that may be needed?

    Since when did "Rules or Reasons put forth" on a given situation become set in stone to as be "untouchable" to scrutiny and not welcome to consideration for revision?? Especially with the undeniable fact that we are constantly faced with changes in content which IMO highly outweighs the importance of changes/non changes made to individual champs.

    Let's put it another way. I'm not debating whether people create Polls or have discussions on things. What they do in the Forum is not mine to enforce. I'm addressing the subject, and that is what happens in a debate.
    So, let's say hypothetically they do give them. When does it stop? If they introduce a Bleed Immune Node in some area of the game, do we ask for Tickets for Wolverine or BP? If they create a Stun Immune Node in let's say, 5.4, do people expect the Tickets to Rank Down Thor? People are free to Rank whoever they want for whatever reasons. Besides the fact that they're not intended for content, there's no way to stop the argument for them. Content is constantly added and adjusted. We can't expect to have a free way to adjust our Rosters whenever that happens. Not when there is a value to those Resources. People have to Rank who they choose for whatever reason they choose and go from there. Whether they Ranked them for War or not, they've still had the ability to use the Champ in any area they wish, at that Rank. It's the idea that people are owed them that doesn't make sense to me. The crux of the issue is the changes to War, and how people feel slighted. I don't judge how others feel. I address the logic in arguments for or against things.

    No one is saying give us RDTs for every change. We're saying give us RDTs for THESE changes to AW, because they rewrote the AW requirements and it mostly affected a very specific set of champs that a very large proportion of us spent time and money to get and rank up.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,501 ★★★★★
    Snizzbar wrote: »
    WOK wrote: »
    @GroundedWisdom , you've repeated all too many times, worded creatively the 1 reason RDT's were specifically created for, quoting Kabams announcements to the letter each time someone gives their reasons why they feel it is warranted.

    Some reasons are similar yes, but there are a handful that differ and IMO very valid. Is it not the intent of these forums and polls to cast some different perspectives from different players to voice their opinions on changes that may be needed?

    Since when did "Rules or Reasons put forth" on a given situation become set in stone to as be "untouchable" to scrutiny and not welcome to consideration for revision?? Especially with the undeniable fact that we are constantly faced with changes in content which IMO highly outweighs the importance of changes/non changes made to individual champs.

    Let's put it another way. I'm not debating whether people create Polls or have discussions on things. What they do in the Forum is not mine to enforce. I'm addressing the subject, and that is what happens in a debate.
    So, let's say hypothetically they do give them. When does it stop? If they introduce a Bleed Immune Node in some area of the game, do we ask for Tickets for Wolverine or BP? If they create a Stun Immune Node in let's say, 5.4, do people expect the Tickets to Rank Down Thor? People are free to Rank whoever they want for whatever reasons. Besides the fact that they're not intended for content, there's no way to stop the argument for them. Content is constantly added and adjusted. We can't expect to have a free way to adjust our Rosters whenever that happens. Not when there is a value to those Resources. People have to Rank who they choose for whatever reason they choose and go from there. Whether they Ranked them for War or not, they've still had the ability to use the Champ in any area they wish, at that Rank. It's the idea that people are owed them that doesn't make sense to me. The crux of the issue is the changes to War, and how people feel slighted. I don't judge how others feel. I address the logic in arguments for or against things.

    No one is saying give us RDTs for every change. We're saying give us RDTs for THESE changes to AW, because they rewrote the AW requirements and it mostly affected a very specific set of champs that a very large proportion of us spent time and money to get and rank up.

    It hasn't affected the Champs at all. They still work the same way they did before. What has changed is what you use them for. That's up to the Players. Doesn't mean they're useless. For that matter, if the only reason someone Ranks a Champ is for War, that's fine, but it doesn't mean the Champ is worthless in general. The point that I was illustrating in that comment is they can't adjust our Rosters to accommodate every change, and this is no different than any new or added content. When AQ Seasons come out, we wouldn't expect the same. This is no different.
  • WOKWOK Member Posts: 468 ★★
    BTW, I had eluded to this earlier, but masteries allow us to change our champions abilities and effectivness in tackling existing and newly created content are they not? And we're allowed to change our setups as frequently and as diversly different from our last if we so choose(and our resources would allow).

    Is that considered to be a totally unrelated facet of the game when compared to Rank up/rank down?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,501 ★★★★★
    edited September 2017
    WOK wrote: »
    @GroundedWisdom , those hypothetical scenarios IMO would not warrant RDT's. Those specific scenarios you mention would illustrate only a minor change to the previous system.

    Where in the current state, this is as near as a revamp "from the ground up" of a system that was in place for nearly 2+ yrs if I'm not mistaken. Which TBH is difficult for me to place in the same category of your hypothetical changes.

    I personally would like to see some other viable solution found in place of the standard RDT's and am only slightly opposed to them for the handful of reasons I had already mentioned and not solely based on Kabams stated reasoning as you have reiterated.

    I for one cannot agree with any rule being "set in stone" when there is oviously changes that could be made that were never given an opportunity to take into consideration when those rules were made. And isnt that one of the purposes of the forums? To discuss and come up with ideas and reasons why some changes to the status quo might be necessary?

    Well, yes. The Forum is here to discuss. Having said that, the response given time and time again by the Moderation is the "final word", as per the TOS. People are free to share thoughts and ideas. When you have an issue that has been addressed countless times in the last 6 months or so, there is very little possibility for a revisit of the issue. I'm sorry, but I don't agree that this situation makes an exception to that. Both based on my personal views and by applying what has been stated by Moderation. My logic is not just because "Kabam said so.". It's based on an understanding of the game itself, the purpose of content, the In-Game Value, the onus of making decisions, what the changes do and do not affect, what affect the Tickets have on the overall system as a whole, what their actual purpose is, and yes, how the Players feel. I'm not ignorant to how people feel. I'm just not altering my understanding of the factors based on that.
    The Tickets were originally introduced to allow people to adjust their Rosters after the changes to Champs. Simultaneously, there were changes to the system. As a result of that, we were afforded a certain amount of freedom with how we used both rounds of Tickets. The misconception was that they were strictly for the changes to the DR System. That wasn't exactly the case. They were for the nerfs. We were given the freedom to readjust our Rosters in lieu of that, but they were created for changes to Champs.
    This is not the same scenario. The changes to War have absolutely no effect on how a Champ performs. Nodes are Boosts. They're additives. Sometimes Inhibitors. They don't actually alter the Champs. War has always been an elective process. People could just as easily have used SG on Thorns if they wanted to. Clearly not the best option, but an option nonetheless. They're not in control, and thus not responsible, for who people Rank and what Node they use them on, or what they use them for in general. People make their own choices, for their own reasons. The ability to discuss it is not what I am debating. We're free to do that within the rules of the Forum. What I can't support is the idea that Tickets should be given when that contradicts not only the purpose of them, but the entire design of the game itself. Not based on elective choices.
  • WOKWOK Member Posts: 468 ★★
    @BuzzLightyear , thats uncalled for and has no relevant bearing to this poll or the discussion. I would like to request that you remove or edit that out of your post please.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,501 ★★★★★
    @WOK Just use the Flagging Function. They're just trying to bully me out of the conversation. It's not going to work. Moderation can take care of it.
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