Should I r5 my Cap IW at sig 100?

Cap IW would be my second r5 and I find his perfect parry extremely useful when faced with large attack values. However, he is only sig 100 but tbh I don't usually care about armor breaks cuz I have Medusa and petrify is nice but I also have Doc Ock to heal and power control (who I might take to r4) so is it worth r5ing him? He's super useful and versatile and I think he'd be very useful in the future for my roster. Btw I'm in Act 6.2 rn. Currently, I've been putting all of my generic sig stones into Omega Red in an effort to r5 in the future but I'm far off because I currently have 0/6 of the mutant catalysts needed so I'm thinking of just pulling the trigger on Cap IW because I have enough Science T4 catalysts.
Should I r5 my Cap IW at sig 100? 35 votes
This is my current roster. Medusa is my only r5 champion. I plan to r5 Omega Red in the near future after I get enough T4 Mutant catalysts (which will take a while, especially cuz I only have 6 T2 alphas atm as well). It will be a while before my next r5, so should I pull the trigger on Cap IW or wait for the resources to rank up Omega Red?