(^^)(^^)(^^)(^^)(^^) :p

So yesterday I decided to just hit the peddle


Now coming to the advise part
1. Do you think colossus is worth a gem(I have like 100 stones) or should I wait for omega red(FTP no suicides) or maybe wait for magneto buff(who hopefully would become beyond god tier )
2. Next is surfer good and is he worth a gem(2 comics collecting dust) from what I recall he is a prestige champ
My roster



Now coming to the advise part
1. Do you think colossus is worth a gem(I have like 100 stones) or should I wait for omega red(FTP no suicides) or maybe wait for magneto buff(who hopefully would become beyond god tier )
2. Next is surfer good and is he worth a gem(2 comics collecting dust) from what I recall he is a prestige champ
My roster

2. Don’t use it on SS. Save for Hype Medusa Corvus or CMM
3. Yes. All you are missing out on is regen for blade.
2. Silver surfer is good for prestige. If you wanna have a strong roster, I'd say wait for hyperion. If prestige is super important to you then go for it
3. Yeah it'll work alright for whatever it's supposed to.
2. surfer is a very decent champ, his sig helps a lot as well. I would play around with him a bit before you decide to chuck a gem in him though.
2. I am not a fan of Silver Surfer. I do know that he is a decent champion, but I don't think you will use it any more often once you get Corvus/Hyperion/Medusa/Venom/CMM/Vision Aarkus....so, no rush, save your resources~
3. Blade's Signature abilities largely boost his Survivability during fights. But in terms of the damage output of Holy Trinity (Blade + Ghost Rider + Stark Spidey), his signature abilities are not necessary.