Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Who is your favourite "Fun to play" Champion?

Hey all. There are many to list, so I won't make a poll, but feel free to include any you may percieve as some of the most enjoyable champions to play with. Just the satisfaction, not like damage/utility or anything. IT'S ALL ABOUT FUN LADS!


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    Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    Ronan SG or Iceman.

    Ronan because whenever I use him, he pulverizes them, unless they only have a few buffs, in which case it’s a fun scramble to keep them stun locked for as long as possible and try to get them down.

    SG because of her fun animations and infinite enervate

    Iceman because it’s almost therapeutic to pop the frostbites with your heavy.
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    PolygonPolygon Posts: 3,988 ★★★★★
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    Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
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    manan_44manan_44 Posts: 654 ★★★
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    Moot4LifeMoot4Life Posts: 2,132 ★★★★
    Luke Cage.
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    Jedi_HawkeJedi_Hawke Posts: 955 ★★★
    Doom and Blade. I like hitting the special 2s and watching my opponents bleed to death or get incinerated to death.
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    DrAwkwardPhDDrAwkwardPhD Posts: 234 ★★
    Killmonger & Ghost Rider

    Utility and the versatility they bring makes either of them fun for almost any matchup, especially if you like fights that aren’t too quick
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    Drew3808Drew3808 Posts: 50
    Right now, modok and hulkbuster, but I think that’s cause I just got those. Long term, guillotine and omega red.
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    LunaeLunae Posts: 371 ★★★
    Silver Surfer when his phase is used right allows him to be played in a pretty aggressive style thats really fun and also falls into a really nice rotation.

    Example at 4:34 onward

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    Matty_IceMatty_Ice Posts: 575 ★★★
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    RevHeresyRevHeresy Posts: 68
    Aegon - getting the combo meter high is addicting
    Doom - just so OP. Combined with surfer’s synergy.
    Surfer - auto armor break and buff control. So sexy.
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    SS and CMM right now. I just got a 5* HT, so I’m trying him out, and he seems pretty cool.
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