Replace Sunday free for all with GOLD REALM
Member Posts: 15 ★
Upgrading 5*s takes a lot of resources especially gold. Free for all is pointless
Most of us have lives unlike some people with kids & jobs. I grind arena as much as I can but I still need gold. Being in top ally’s means donations are ridiculous, gold needs to be more available to people with lives but are still too players who don’t have time or want to play arena like that. It’s bad enough I need almost 90k BC’s a week just for donations
With that being said you need to be much more selective on who you rank up. I have 7 mil in gold and a mil in battle chips and again I'm a casual player with prestige at almost 5k. I only rank useful champs and never touch any champ below a four star
Im right there with you buddy. But... I think there are a lot of people that would get more value in having a gold realm over the free for all. I sure don't play free for all. I don't think anyone is personally bashing anyone else. Just stating their position.
I only rank up "useful" champs also. I don't think he said he's a part time player. Just that it is hard with other responsibilities to be grinding all day. Which I think that is a fact for most. I think the majority of people that contribute $$$ to the game also have real life obligations.
I think the point is to make suggestions that may make the game better and more enjoyable. To me this may be a good adjustment for a lot of members.
Gold is hard to come by if you're not able to constantly grind. Even for some of us, grinding never seems to be enough. I was at 3.5m gold at one point, but then R5 and 5* champs started happening and haven't been over 2.5m since. Because of this, I have been more selective on who I rank. Unless a 4* champ helps with AQ or end-game content, they might get to R3 to help with arenas, but if they suck (i.e. Fixit, Khan, Spidergwen) then they'll get the R1 treatment. I will grind for the "new" 3* champs and rank them to R4 just because they're fun to play. Otherwise, I have a TON of 3* champs that won't see an ounce of ISO, and a growing stack of 4* that are in the same group.
The Free-for-all gives horrible rewards. I don't even was bother playing it. It need to be revamped or replaced. I would love to see it replaced with a Halls of Healing.