Havok Plasma Detonation bypassing armor buffs

Wulfgar79Wulfgar79 Member Posts: 27
edited July 2020 in Bugs and Known Issues
2 examples:

1. I fought Havok in the alpha boss rush with Angela. When the plasma build up detonated, Angela took damage even though she had an armor up buff, knocking her out.

2. Fought Havok in Variant 2, 1.2 with Venom. Took damage with detonation of plasma build up charges even though he had an armor buff.

Game Version 27.2


  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    You sure crumbling armour didn’t trigger to remove your armour up then it detonated?
  • Wulfgar79Wulfgar79 Member Posts: 27
    That could have been the issue on the boss rush, but crumbling armour isnt present on the Variant 2 1.2 node.
  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★
    With Venom, is it possible you threw an L2 or a heavy before the detonation? The heavy can replace the last buff, which could have removed armor if armor was the last buff. The L2 converts all buffs, even armor, to fury, which may have left you vulnerable.

    Do you have a pic or video of this happening?
  • Wulfgar79Wulfgar79 Member Posts: 27
    Ah ha. That’s likely what it was. The L2!
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