What fight has made you the ANGRIEST?

QacobQacob Member Posts: 2,252 ★★★★★
So far, only two fights in act 5 have made me so angry I wanted to throw my phone into a shredder. Both of them are really not that bad but I was just playing badly when I fought them.

This cable battered me. He was the first time I needed items in 5.3 which I had explored 60% of at the time.

And this damned antman who I fought and died to 6 times last night. Used all my energy backing out of the quest and fighting him again. This one is just a big fat L for me, I fought so badly. Eventually I just gave up and went to bed very, very furious.

Which fights have made you rage the most?


  • CoolFlameCoolFlame Member Posts: 18
    6.2.2 sinister. Went in twice with different strategies and wasted 1k units each time.
    Now i am just hoarding my shards to pull CMM, warlock or worst case scenario angela/hela ( pulled heimdall a while back and have og vision)
  • Battle_GreninjaBattle_Greninja Member Posts: 327 ★★
    edited August 2020
    CoolFlame said:

    6.2.2 sinister. Went in twice with different strategies and wasted 1k units each time.
    Now i am just hoarding my shards to pull CMM, warlock or worst case scenario angela/hela ( pulled heimdall a while back and have og vision)

    Do u have nick fury I did my run with nick fury killing him used only 3 revives the key is you don't wanna loose your decoy phase easily before having L2 if u have enough power to use one l1 before going into real Nick fury face use it. Then just pary heavy and l2 by that time you will die due to poison incinerate and transferred bleed after that revive heal him above 50 and try to do as much damage as possible .
  • solmyrairsolmyrair Member Posts: 388
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  • HendrossHendross Member Posts: 966 ★★★
  • NEIDER11NEIDER11 Member Posts: 62
    6.1.2 ultron boss
  • Envi1Envi1 Member Posts: 64
    6.4.5 Adaptoid boss without the correct counter gives you nightmares
  • Normax_XNormax_X Member Posts: 645 ★★★★
    6.2.5 imiw 1% regen on cosmic gate, possibly the most frustrated I've ever gotten in a game
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,598 ★★★★★
    I’ve Phoenix when I didn’t have a single champ who could survive the coldsnap and have enough health to land a parry
  • Doctor_Strange19Doctor_Strange19 Member Posts: 255 ★★★
    There’s a 5.3.1 Captain America WW2 that has a degen node that deals 1.10% of your health until you’re dead. Actually the worst node design ever. It’s also on the Mystic chapter and he’s Science so no matter who you bring you’re dealing reduced damage.
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