Rank down ticket event.

frunderfrunder Member Posts: 63
This works up to a rank down of a 5 star from rank 4 to rank 3, i think this would be good for everyone, and people who have ranked doggone up and either didn't need them or they got nerfed, this would be good for them and i think this could have the potential to be a big f2play event as well. Just saying, leave feedback and say f2p for the free to plays, or whale for whalers.

Rank down ticket event. 6 votes

16% 1 vote
0% 0 votes
83% 5 votes


  • SuperSummoner22SuperSummoner22 Member Posts: 7
    Not sure that's necessary, but it sure would be nice if Tier 2 Alphas were just a tiny bit easier to accumulate... Hint hint 😉
  • EdeuinkEdeuink Member Posts: 1,263 ★★★★
    No. Live with your rank up choices.
  • Mcoc_alMcoc_al Member Posts: 46
    Terrible idea, hopefully we never see rank down tickets ever again
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