I don't think so. Someone in my ally did it twice and got nothing for the second pass.
You can save your favors and enter any quest you’d like multiple times, so you can choose the Quest that is best suited for your needs and your roster! it is what it said in the announcement. and there is no exploration reward. you should be able to get the same rewards even if you did i all 28 at once. like modok island event
I don't think so. Someone in my ally did it twice and got nothing for the second pass.
Think that person's reply was probably talking about SmackDown, which doesn’t have Tickets, and also (for some unknown reason) was NOT showing a % COMPLETED status on the Panel, so you would easily think you haven’t gotten all the reward yet. Doing SmackDown again on same GreekLetter + Difficulty does not give extra rewards.
This was covered in the original announcement thread: you can save up favors and use multiple ones in a single day. You're also supposed to have the choice to do all champion shards or all rank up materials or a mix of both, and that option requires being able to run the same day more than once. If you could only do an event once per day, there would be no real option on which to do because you'd have 28 favors and 28 days (plus or minus) and thus you'd have no choice but to run every day once.
If you do it twice and only get rewards for the first entry, that's a bug and should be reported.
it is what it said in the announcement. and there is no exploration reward. you should be able to get the same rewards even if you did i all 28 at once. like modok island event
maybe it is a bug and he should report it.
If you do it twice and only get rewards for the first entry, that's a bug and should be reported.