Act 6 chapter 1 question

Sairam44Sairam44 Member Posts: 634 ★★
I know some nerf is coming to act 6 but I don't know when so should i try to become cavalier quickly or do we have any specific date on chapter 1 nerf


  • Thanks_D19Thanks_D19 Member Posts: 1,480 ★★★★
    Chapter 1 isn’t that hard and is getting nerfed the least just do it
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    Sairam44 said:

    I know some nerf is coming to act 6 but I don't know when so should i try to become cavalier quickly or do we have any specific date on chapter 1 nerf

    phase 1 of act 6 nerf is out, a nerf to the champion. The issue is what issue are you having with 6.1?
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,336 ★★★★★
    Sairam44 said:

    I know some nerf is coming to act 6 but I don't know when so should i try to become cavalier quickly or do we have any specific date on chapter 1 nerf

    the general timeline for the Act 6 nerf is "before December". that's all we've heard. i'd say go for Cav man. even without the nerf 6.1 is very doable in my opinion.

    what does your roster look like?
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  • Sairam44Sairam44 Member Posts: 634 ★★

  • Sairam44Sairam44 Member Posts: 634 ★★
    Is this too low for cavalier I will upgrade Colossus to rank 4 very soon and I am saving up my 5 star shards for pretty big opening I will try cavalier after that if I get someone good I will upgrade them to rank 4 right away
  • Sairam44Sairam44 Member Posts: 634 ★★
    @mayis how many revives should I expect to spend
  • edited August 2020
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  • edited August 2020
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  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    Mayis said:

    Sairam44 said:

    @mayis how many revives should I expect to spend

    @Sairam44 I spent 15ish single revives for whole chapter, having 4 R4 champions and 3 R3. R4 are Venom, Cap IW, Claire and Domino. R3 are Void, Squirrel Girl and Nebula. The most useful champ was R4 Claire Voyant, the least useful was R4 Domino bc I have no her synergies.

    For your roster I suggest lvl-ing up Colossus: he will be your MVP for quest 5 boss fight, which is a roadblock if u don't have a counter. I also suggest to rank up Ghost Rider for backup, he is bleed immune too. If u can do that powerlock thing with Octopus, rank up him too, he should finish that Sentinel fight

    Detailed Version:

    Quest 1: No retreat node puts a degeneration on u if u dash back twice in a small window of time. U just need to either learn how to play without dashing back too often or spend some revives. The boss is Sabretooth, I think u can handle him with Doom. I used Domino and Claire for path and Cap IW for Boss fight. It took 3–4 revives, but if u can get used to node u can do it itemless, I just rushed things up.

    Quest 2: The global node forces u to throw a special each 15 hits. With stealthy u may not get to sp2, but the others will be good. The first problem is biohazard miniboss Sentinel. For this fight u need bleed immune. Sentinel has advantage against Colossus, so u may will to not bring him. U can use Ghost Rider, just be sure u can evade his specials.
    The second problem is Modern Ultron. He has:
    Agression armor
    EMP modification. it converts your buffs to charges, which are then returned to you as passive Shock
    Spite, which gives Ultron Power Gain while u have buff on you

    Doom is Ideal for Power Control and he is shock immune, but be aware that Ultron evades once in 7 seconds. Also u can try Spidey with Slowed debuff, but as u don't want to dex much, Ultron will cheap you down.
    Remember that Ultron has Ability Accuracy reduction when he is under Armor Up effect.
    I used R4 Claire and R3 Nebula for Sentinel and Ultron fights, ultron took 3 or 4 single revives.

    Quest 3 and 4 are very easy and are doable with any champion. There is a Thing Miniboss in quest 3, but I guess if u finished act 5 with this roster u know how to fight Thing. I've done this Itemless.

    Quest 5. The global node is Power Struggle: u get bar of power only when opponent throws a special, so RIP Doom. The very left path is easy to complete. The main problem of the quest and the Chapter is the boss. He has Regen and Biohazard, which puts on u Poison if u hit on block, and Bleed on successful hits. Colossus can do this fight, but as I said bring Ghost Rider as a backup. Be sure not to hit his block with Ghost Rider, he's only bleed immune.
    I took this fight with Claire. I tried Nebula first, but she hit like a wet noodle and couldn't outdamage regen. I fed Claire 5 or 6 single revives.

    Quest 6. Path is relatively harder, but not impossible. U have Havok as a roadblock, but Colossus is perfect counter for Havok. I took that fight with Venom.
    Then u have path where if opponent has a regen, he goes unblockable. Both Ghost Rider and Doom will shine in this path as they can nullify/stagger/fate seal/heal block. I took the path with Claire
    Then u have final boss of chapter, very stacked Sentinel. He have no regeneration, so u can slowly cheap him down with any champion. His nodes aren't that hard: every 20 (or 30) seconds u are power drained, for first 30 seconds both champs cant activate buffs or debuffs and he gains some advantage for each class except cosmic. U don't have cosmic champ, but it's not a big deal.
    The fight is all about surviving first 30 seconds when u cant put buffs and debuffs and evading sentinel specials.
    Doom can work here, but u need to time your specials well enough to not be power drained at the worst possible moment. Doc Ock can power lock Sentinel too. In fact u can use here any champion and slowly take him down.
    I took the fight with R4 Venom. As Sentinel is tech Champion, Venoms power wasn't draining during this fight and I was free to use specials as much as I want. He ate 3 single revives.

    Overall, completing 6.1 isn't that hard as u can think it is. Hope this will help u. Good Luck!
    Lmao, power struggle means you only gain a bar of power when the opponent does, and when they throw their special, all your power is drained
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★

    Mayis said:

    Sairam44 said:

    @mayis how many revives should I expect to spend

    @Sairam44 I spent 15ish single revives for whole chapter, having 4 R4 champions and 3 R3. R4 are Venom, Cap IW, Claire and Domino. R3 are Void, Squirrel Girl and Nebula. The most useful champ was R4 Claire Voyant, the least useful was R4 Domino bc I have no her synergies.

    For your roster I suggest lvl-ing up Colossus: he will be your MVP for quest 5 boss fight, which is a roadblock if u don't have a counter. I also suggest to rank up Ghost Rider for backup, he is bleed immune too. If u can do that powerlock thing with Octopus, rank up him too, he should finish that Sentinel fight

    Detailed Version:

    Quest 1: No retreat node puts a degeneration on u if u dash back twice in a small window of time. U just need to either learn how to play without dashing back too often or spend some revives. The boss is Sabretooth, I think u can handle him with Doom. I used Domino and Claire for path and Cap IW for Boss fight. It took 3–4 revives, but if u can get used to node u can do it itemless, I just rushed things up.

    Quest 2: The global node forces u to throw a special each 15 hits. With stealthy u may not get to sp2, but the others will be good. The first problem is biohazard miniboss Sentinel. For this fight u need bleed immune. Sentinel has advantage against Colossus, so u may will to not bring him. U can use Ghost Rider, just be sure u can evade his specials.
    The second problem is Modern Ultron. He has:
    Agression armor
    EMP modification. it converts your buffs to charges, which are then returned to you as passive Shock
    Spite, which gives Ultron Power Gain while u have buff on you

    Doom is Ideal for Power Control and he is shock immune, but be aware that Ultron evades once in 7 seconds. Also u can try Spidey with Slowed debuff, but as u don't want to dex much, Ultron will cheap you down.
    Remember that Ultron has Ability Accuracy reduction when he is under Armor Up effect.
    I used R4 Claire and R3 Nebula for Sentinel and Ultron fights, ultron took 3 or 4 single revives.

    Quest 3 and 4 are very easy and are doable with any champion. There is a Thing Miniboss in quest 3, but I guess if u finished act 5 with this roster u know how to fight Thing. I've done this Itemless.

    Quest 5. The global node is Power Struggle: u get bar of power only when opponent throws a special, so RIP Doom. The very left path is easy to complete. The main problem of the quest and the Chapter is the boss. He has Regen and Biohazard, which puts on u Poison if u hit on block, and Bleed on successful hits. Colossus can do this fight, but as I said bring Ghost Rider as a backup. Be sure not to hit his block with Ghost Rider, he's only bleed immune.
    I took this fight with Claire. I tried Nebula first, but she hit like a wet noodle and couldn't outdamage regen. I fed Claire 5 or 6 single revives.

    Quest 6. Path is relatively harder, but not impossible. U have Havok as a roadblock, but Colossus is perfect counter for Havok. I took that fight with Venom.
    Then u have path where if opponent has a regen, he goes unblockable. Both Ghost Rider and Doom will shine in this path as they can nullify/stagger/fate seal/heal block. I took the path with Claire
    Then u have final boss of chapter, very stacked Sentinel. He have no regeneration, so u can slowly cheap him down with any champion. His nodes aren't that hard: every 20 (or 30) seconds u are power drained, for first 30 seconds both champs cant activate buffs or debuffs and he gains some advantage for each class except cosmic. U don't have cosmic champ, but it's not a big deal.
    The fight is all about surviving first 30 seconds when u cant put buffs and debuffs and evading sentinel specials.
    Doom can work here, but u need to time your specials well enough to not be power drained at the worst possible moment. Doc Ock can power lock Sentinel too. In fact u can use here any champion and slowly take him down.
    I took the fight with R4 Venom. As Sentinel is tech Champion, Venoms power wasn't draining during this fight and I was free to use specials as much as I want. He ate 3 single revives.

    Overall, completing 6.1 isn't that hard as u can think it is. Hope this will help u. Good Luck!
    Lmao, power struggle means you only gain a bar of power when the opponent does, and when they throw their special, all your power is drained
    You were probably thinking about "matador", which is far from 6.1, lol
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  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    Mayis said:

    It was dumb, I described matador here :/@Kill_Grey4112 thx dude, edited it.


    LMAO 😂😂
    Wait, what am I gonna do about my 2 comments? :-\
  • edited August 2020
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  • Sairam44Sairam44 Member Posts: 634 ★★
    @Mayis that Information is very useful I am saving for 7-8 5 star crystal opening next month hope I can pull a good cosmic whom I can take to rank 4 tq
  • _Reef_Reef Member Posts: 270
    Sairam44 said:

    @Mayis that Information is very useful I am saving for 7-8 5 star crystal opening next month hope I can pull a good cosmic whom I can take to rank 4 tq

    If you're very skilled person you got it boss, if youre avg like the rest of us, get a 5r5 or two, cav was very hard and stressful, more power to you
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