Which champs would you max both as a 5 and 6 star?
If you already had the 6* r2, are there any you’d still take the 5* to r5 ?
Two I can list off the top of my head are OR and Ghost
Two I can list off the top of my head are OR and Ghost
Domino (I have 5 and 6)
CMM (I have 5 and 6)
Omega (I have 5 and 6)
Omega if you could get him to sig 200
Doom obviously
Claire undoubtedly
Quake. I don’t care that she’s not a 6*, you still take her up in your mind
Maybe Nick
I would leave it there personally. Other champs you generally only need one copy of.
One permanently in AQ. The other for everywhere else.
Doom, because he's The Boss.
Fury, because he's great and has great synergies that help the whole team.
Doom and Fury are also good AW defenders.