LF Players AQ 6x5 Top 150 Epic mods, AW P4/3, Prestige 10.6k or more

SchmitrnSchmitrn Member Posts: 111
LF players as stated above. Pretty chilled just running 6x5 ranking top 150 in aq. War we hit p4 without any dramas. Got lucky last season with the shorter length so worked in our favour and hit p3(bonus). Solid group of guys that have all played at various levels but just chilling together get the most rewards possible without getting burnt out. 10,600 prestige is a ball park but won’t go much under. Would rather higher as our staring prestige is over 10,700 on day one. Message me on line ID: schmitrn
Good luck finding a new home


  • SchmitrnSchmitrn Member Posts: 111
    Looking for 1 before aq tonight. Message me line app for a chat if interested ID: schmitrn
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