Can't say who is better, because they all have great content. I like see sometimes sine Youtubers you didn't put on the list as: - Unofficial kabam Mike, because his simplicity to use/counter champions; - Jason Voorhees, same reason; - KT1, the same; - RichTheMan, for the news; - Mark Jadunath, for the most difficult content alive (one of times I ask him to use Ghost so I can see how to play and Mark use her .... Well I just learn a little bit because I can't understand her at all 😂)
There are some more I can't remember right now....
I like Prof Hoff, great guy. Always mans up and owns his mistakes and his live streams are very entertaining he always answers most if not all of the questions asked.
He answers questions but often gives very poor advice lol
I like see sometimes sine Youtubers you didn't put on the list as:
- Unofficial kabam Mike, because his simplicity to use/counter champions;
- Jason Voorhees, same reason;
- KT1, the same;
- RichTheMan, for the news;
- Mark Jadunath, for the most difficult content alive (one of times I ask him to use Ghost so I can see how to play and Mark use her .... Well I just learn a little bit because I can't understand her at all 😂)
There are some more I can't remember right now....
Jason voorhees
He has insane skill, and great with explaining the champions.The legendary idelest
Edit: I'm mistaken. This is the october 2018 best youtuber thread