what’s the need for cav and gmc shards? getting a 6* to max sig and duping them is a massive feat for 95% of players. it’s simply just to big a feat for it to be viable to add crystal shards for max sig dupes
I think until a better option comes along, a max sig 6* pull should yield the same max signature ability crystal as pulling a max sig 5* champ. This would give additional 6* shards and a chance at Immortal Iron Fist. That's not perfect considering how hard it is to max out a 6* champ right now, but it's better than nothing and should be pretty easy to implement.
sure it’s a nice thing to have but again, 95% of players can’t do it. it’s too far out of reach for so many players that there’s no point implementing it until the ability to max sig 6* is more widespread and easily obtainable for all players. go look on the leaderboards for global, HQ Sean doesn’t even have max sig 6* and he’s the top hero rating globally
However, what happens if you get a 6* you already fully maxed