before the update my rank 3 6* was not even in the top of my roster screen, now he is number 2, and my prestige jumped up 100pts (only 2 rank 3s), are you sure you didnt have any buffs active before the update?
before the update my rank 3 6* was not even in the top of my roster screen, now he is number 2, and my prestige jumped up 100pts (only 2 rank 3s), are you sure you didnt have any buffs active before the update?
No, no buffs active.
Could just be the way it scales with his sig level, but seems strangely low to me.
Kabam Miike responded on a different thread about this. Going to look into it. Mine went down a good bit before and after. Seems different for a lot of people
Kabam Miike responded on a different thread about this. Going to look into it. Mine went down a good bit before and after. Seems different for a lot of people
I dont like magnetos low prestige reminds me off hyperion lol
According to AuntM ai White magneto is just below invisible woman and Red mags is just below annihilus. Statistically it’s not that low, but it seems his prestige is either bugged, or the way it increases by leveling up/adding sigs is really weird.
@Kabam Miike did you ever find out if Red Magnetos PI is correct? You said you were looking into it the other day. I couldn't find the previous thread but there were quite a few people reporting his PI dropping after the buff following your response.
Magneto PI after update 11340
After the update the PI is down to 13,260.
I thought is was going to increase significantly?
Is this the way it should be @Kabam Miike ?
Could just be the way it scales with his sig level, but seems strangely low to me.