War tiers

The alliance im in had one goal in mind, get gold 1 for war. We made it to tier 6 gold 1 ranked in the 700s. The next war we won, bringing us to tier 5 somewhere in the top 500. We hit a huge wall as expected because we were not ready and didn't expect such a punishing and brutal display of ridiculous nodes plus defensive tactics. On top of that we faced an alliance that placed triples of the most difficult champs in the game with no care for diversity. Can anyone help me understand why we have been demoted to gold 2 but we're still in tier 5? That level of gameplay was not fun one bit but at least we were playing for better season rewards. If we're in gold 2 now why wouldn't we be placed on a map that reflects gold 2? We were gold 2 last season and didn't face this level of difficulty (defensive tactics).
but yeah defense tactics are one of (if not THE) worst aspect of Alliance War. it makes troublesome nodes, just not fun.
Now, truth is in Tiers 4 and 5, higher diversity is less common, and spammed grids are far more commonplace. My advice, change your defense grids when you're in T5 to less diversity, and throw in more annoying defenders. Those diversity points are less crucial now. If/when you fall back into Tier 6, bring Diversity back. When you're moving up to T5+ from T6 and teetering between the 2 on the cusp, you're best to adjust to each tier as needed. That's what we did way back when we advanced into T5. It definitely helped keep us competitive. Best of luck this Season on that note!